Track 2

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にひ、私が射精させる側  んふ、私が我慢させる側 私がお兄様を射精まで追い込むから  私と一緒に我慢するの 私はこっちからお兄様に抱きついておちんちんを握ってあげる  私はこっちからお兄様に抱きついて耳元で囁いてあげる これで準備は万端だね  地獄の始まりね   にひひ、ゲームスタート   (んふふ、ゲームスタート) ほらほら、シコシコ始まっちゃったね? 私の小さいおっぱいの感触もたっぷり味わってね  ダメよ、お兄様  詩亜ちゃんの誘惑に屈しないでちょうだい でもでも、こうやって擦り寄られてシコシコされると我慢できないんだよね? ほらほら、はやく勃起しちゃいなよ おちんちんムクムクっておっきくなって?  勃起なんてしていいと思ってるのかしら  お兄様は私と一緒に我慢する、そうでしょう?  裏切りなんて許さない にひひ、璃亜ちゃんに許さないって言われちゃったね 勃起はまずいよね? 璃亜ちゃんに怒られるもんね  そう、だからおちんちんは小さいままにしていて  勃起したらもっとシコシコしやすくなって辛くなるの  それくらい、わかるわよね? にひひひ、勃起してきた 隣で怒られてるのにお構いなしに勃起した サイテーだね? でも、そういうお兄様、好きかも  詩亜ちゃんに言い寄られて何をメロメロになってるのかしら?  お兄様、射精するつもりなの?  だって、それ射精する準備なのでしょう?  私を怒らせてどうするつもり? そんなこと言われてもお兄様のおちんちんは私の手の中で気持ちいいってなってんだよね? 私のちっさいお手手が何度も何度もおちんちんを擦り続けてるよ?  詩亜ちゃんにされるがまま、情けない  ほら、お兄様、そのおちんちん、萎えさせなさい  私が命令してるの  従え あーあ、璃亜ちゃんぷんぷんになってる このまま射精になんかに向かったらやばいことになっちゃうね といいながら、シコシコはやめないのでした  射精したら、罰ゲーム  頭が馬鹿になるまで徹底的に折檻してあげる  泣いても土下座しても無駄、鼻で笑って壊す こんなに怖いこと言われておちんちんビンビンのままじゃん お兄様って変態? にひひひ、変態に決まってるよね?  変態、ねぇ、変態、今とろーんとしてるのバレバレなのよ?  変態って言われて気持ちよくなってる  横でずっと監視してるのによく興奮できるわね 私たちに観察されながらシコシコされるのサイコーなんだからしかたないよね? 私の声に誘われるまま射精へ向かっちゃいなよ 私が許してあげる  私は絶対に許さない  なさけなく白いお汁をおもらしするところなんて見たくないわ  年下の女の子にしごかれて、臭くて汚いお汁吹き出すなんて最低よ?  わかってるの? にひひひひ、もう射精近いみたいだね? 見てれば分かるよ? 隠そうとしても無駄無駄 このまま頭とろける射精、しちゃお?ね?お兄様  射精、近いんだ  私がここまで言い聞かせているのに無視?  私を馬鹿にしているのかしら?  本当に腹が立つ  射精はだめっていっているの 叱られてる叱られてる お兄様、年下の女の子に射精はだめって言い聞かされてる 左右から別々のこと言われて頭おかしくなる? いいよ?おかしくなって私の言うことだけ聞いてれば にひひひひ、しこしこ、しこしこ  ほら、我慢、我慢  我慢しなさいって言っているのよ  へぇ、喘ぎ声まで出すのね  叱られて興奮?  興奮するなって言っているの でも射精の快楽には勝てないのでした~ お兄様、もう限界近いんだよね? だーせ、だーせ、ほらほら、精液ぴゅっぴゅっ 楽しみだね?  出すな  精液、出すな  おもちゃの分際で射精なんて許さないから  あー、いきそうなんだ?  そういうこと、恥ずかしげもなく言うのね  恥知らず 恥知らずだって、あはははは でもいいよね? 射精、私たちにじっくり見てもらお? 私はにっこり笑って全部許してあげる 璃亜ちゃんはきっと冷たい目で見るんだろうけど 変態にはご褒美ご褒美 いいじゃんいいじゃん 出しちゃえ出しちゃえ ほぉら、射精、どーぞ?  ストップ あらら、止められちゃった 名残惜しいけどシコシコはストップだね  ねぇ、お兄様  今、何をしようとしたのかしら?  ねぇ、お・し・え・て?  しらばっくれるな、射精しようとしていたでしょ?  お兄様のおちんちん、とっても弱いのね  女の人に相手されない残念おちんちん  ゴミみたい にひひひ、璃亜ちゃんにお説教されてる それなのに、おちんちんは射精できなくでぴくぴく、情けないね これだけ言われてるのに射精したかったりする? 今もしごいて欲しそう いやらしいんだ~  ほら、私に感謝しなさい  射精の前で止めてあげたのだから  あのままだったら絶対詩亜ちゃんにいかされていたわ  そうなったら、わかっているのよね?  待っているのは地獄 璃亜ちゃん優しい お兄様、命拾いしたね お礼、言ったほうがいいんじゃない?  ほら、言いなさい  『寸止めしてくれて、ありがとうございます』って  ・・・んふふふ にひひひ  じゃあ、これからも射精しそうになったら何度でも止めてあげる  何度でも、ね よかったね、お兄様 璃亜ちゃんが弱いおちんちんの面倒見てくれるってさ じゃあ、私も負けないくらい頑張らないと ほら、しこしこ再開  また詩亜ちゃんのおちんちんしこしこが始まったわね  寸止めおちんちん、敏感なの?  それがなに?  ねぇ、それがどうしたのかしら  お兄様は我慢するだけ、そうでしょう? おちんちん、しこしこー、しこしこー 寸止めおちんちんを徹底的嬲ってあげる 安心して 私は何度でもお兄様を射精まで連れて行ってあげるから  その度に何度でも寸止め  あのもどかしい感覚がお兄様に襲いかかるの  嫌でしょ?  なら、射精は我慢 追い打ち、かけちゃおっかなー にひひ、こうやって (耳に息吹きかけ) (ここから詩亜ささやき声) あっは、ぴくってなった お兄様の弱点発見 っていうより、お兄様の体弱点だらけ 淫乱すぎ 淫乱なお兄様には耳を舐めて責めるね (耳舐め1分)  詩亜ちゃんの耳舐め、強烈ね  耳から脳みそまで犯される  おちんちんも同時攻撃  気持ちよくてたまらないの?  でも、わかっているわよね  射精は禁止  なに体ぴくつかせているのかしら?  我慢しなさい  こんな小さな女の子にいいようにされてあっという間に射精?  お兄様、それでも男の人?  ほら、詩亜ちゃんの吐息を感じないで  いやらしく鳴っている水音も無視  おちんちんも気持ちよくない  気持ちよくない、気持ちよくない  あーもう、とろとろにとかされて、バカみたいな顔して  射精に向かわされてるの?  馬鹿なの?  射精はダメって何度言ったらわかるの?この変態  本当にお兄様は最低ね  耳をくちゃくちゃされながらおちんちんしゅっしゅされて金玉から精液が上がってくるの?  いい加減にして にひひ、私の耳責めサイコーだよね こうやって囁かれて射精がしたくてたまらない 耳とおちんちんを同時に犯されて射精したい 射精したい射精したい にひひ、洗脳してるみたいで楽しい もっとやってあげる (耳舐め少し激しい1分)  ねぇ、おちんちんヒクつかせてお仕置きをおねだりしているの?  私、本気で怒ると大変なの  自分でもわからなくなくなるくらい頭に血が上っておもちゃにひどいこと、たくさんしてしまうの  人間のおもちゃは初めて、どのくらいもつのかしら?  長いほうが楽しめるからいいけど  ん?嫌なのね?お仕置き  なら、射精はしていいの?いけないの?  そうね、でもお兄様のおちんちんは射精したがっているようだけど?  ほら、もう限界が近い  隠しても無駄、バレバレ にひ、ぴゅーぴゅー、とぷとぷ、ぴゅっぴゅっ、いっぱいしようね? はーい、じゃあ、とどめ、いきまーす (激しい耳舐め1分)  詩亜ちゃんがお兄様にとどめさそうとしているわ  んふふふ、でも出せない  寸止めしてあげるもの  でも、すぐにはしてあげないわ  だって、ギリギリの方が寸止めは辛いのでしょう?  これはだらしないお兄様への罰  あとちょっとで射精するタイミングで突き放してあげる  んふふ、なーに?そのお顔  ・・・ありがとうございます、でしょ、この変態  もうでる、もうでる  んふふふふふ、ばーか、ストップ (ここまで) にひひひ、あとほんとにちょっとだったのに 手を止めてもおちんちん、ぴくぴく止まらない すっごく辛そう 残念だったね、お兄様  どうかしら?この寸止めのお味は  涙目、そんなに嬉しいのかしら?  いいわよ?  何度でもしてあげるもの  何度でも何度でも、そう何度でも 私も何度でもいじめるね 寸止めされてもめげずに何度も何度も、うん、何度も にひひひひひ  んふふふふふ  怖い?んふふふ、怖いのね?  でも、幸せよね?  こんな小さな女の子に挟まれて寸止め地獄を味わえるのだから  でもそれは、お兄様が射精しそうになるからでしょう?  我慢すればいい、それだけの話  私たちには関係ないわ そうそう、関係ないない はい、しこしこ再開  んふふふ、またシコシコが再開されたわね  おちんちんがはちきれそう  でも、寸止めで助けてあげるわ よかったじゃん いっぱい寸止めしてもらえるよ?  んふふ、泣きそう  今からその調子じゃ先が思いやられるわよ?  これから先、ずっと寸止め地獄が続くのだから 金玉の中身、精液でどろどろになっちゃうね? 精液がおちんちんと金玉の間を何往復もしてたっぷり熟成されちゃう それで遊んであげる  なにかしら?お兄様  言いたいことがあるのなら言ってみなさい  ・・・射精したい? ぷ いっちゃったいっちゃった でもそれほんとにやばいかも  お兄様、私、射精は許さいっていったわよね?  お兄様も寸止め、ありがとうございますっていったわよね?  それなのにどういうつもり?  射精したい?はぁ?なにそれ あーあ、璃亜ちゃんを本気で怒らせちゃった しーらない にひひ (耳舐め少し激しい1分) (ここから詩亜ささやき声)  またおちんちん跳ね回らせているわね  そのおちんちん、私にお仕置きしてくださいっていっているのかしら  お望み通りにしてあげましょうか?  ひどく責め抜いて使い物にならなくなるまで折檻  どうせ、そのゴミ、使い道なんてないのでしょう?  せめておもちゃらしく乱暴に扱って破壊してあげる  私が叱っているの  なのに、詩亜ちゃんにメロメロってどういうこと?  ああ、そう、私を馬鹿にしているのね?  ・・・絶対に後悔させる  泣いても許さない  私の目を見なさい  はやく  この冷たい目  意味、わかるわよね?  んふふふふ、涙、こぼれそう な・い・ちゃ・え  脅されて泣け、変態 にひひひ  んふふふ   にひひひひひ(んふふふふふふ) (ささやきここまで) ねぇねぇ、璃亜ちゃん、お兄様が  詩亜ちゃん、これすごく面白いわね   女の子に泣かされた   にひひ   (んふふ) (ここから詩亜ささやき声) 年下の女の子に泣かされちゃいまちたねー 恥かしいでちゅねー (息吹きかけ)  怒られて泣くなんて本当にお兄様は恥ずかしいわね  でも、ね  泣いて許される、とか思っていないわよね? シコシコ、シコシコ、にひひ、シコシコ おちんちんもえっちなお汁で泣いちゃってるね? もっと泣けー  泣いても詩亜ちゃんは許してくれないわよ?  なにかしら?壊されてもいいから寸止めはやめてほしいの?  だめ  射精させない 精液上がってくる? うん、いいよ? 璃亜ちゃんに叱られながらいっちゃえ ほらほら (耳舐め激しい、セリフの合間)  ほぉら、だめだめお兄様、寸止めのお時間ですよ?  苦しくて切なくてどうにかってしまう寸止め  たっぷり体と心に刻みつけてちょうだい いーけ、いーけ、ザーメン、だせー ほらほらほら  もう少し、もう少しで射精  おちんちん、一直線に射精にむかっているのよね?  2回も寸止めされてもう限界  3回目はもっと苦しいから、楽しみにしていなさい  地獄の寸止め、堪能してちょうだい いっちゃえーーー  はい、ストップ  また止めてあげたわよ  あらあら、詩亜ちゃんの耳責め止まらないわね? だって、止めるのはおちんちんいじめだけ そういうルールだもん  んふふふ、だそうよ?  寸止めで敏感な体に耳責めの快楽を流し込まれているわね  お兄様、可哀想  もう射精のことしか考えられないかしら?  計画通りね  このゲームはそういうゲームなの  お兄様が射精を懇願するまで終わらせない  射精させる側が勝つっていうのはこういうことなの 私たちはお兄様を壊したいだけ それなのに、寸止め地獄を必死に耐えようとして 全部、むだ  どうかしら?このゲーム、楽しいわよね?  でも残念だけど、壊すのは本当  お兄様が私の命令を聞かずに何度も射精しそうになったのは事実  その上、射精したいだなんて口走って  私、相当頭にきてるの  改めて聞くわ  私に壊されてもいいの?  へぇ、でも私たちにはめられて思い通りになっているのよ?  悔しくないの?  んふふふ、この恥知らずのお兄様  じゃあ『壊してください、璃亜様』って言いなさい  んふふふふふふ  じゃあ、詩亜ちゃんにシコシコのおねだりをしなさい  地獄へ連れて行ってくださいって (ここまで) にひひひひ、いいよ? 私のお手手で気持ちよくなちゃおうね? ほら、ほら  詩亜ちゃんの容赦ない手コキが始まったわよ?  耳責めで焦らされっぱなしのおちんちんは大喜びね このまま、射精まで追い込んで追い込んで、にひひ 私の勝ちだね  私を負けさせた変態お兄様にはたっぷり償いをしてもらうわ 怖いね?お兄様 でもおちんちんはどんどん射精に向かってく もう止まんないね 握って力入れる度に透明なお汁がじわーって溢れ出してくる  くちゅくちゅにちゃにちゃ、ああ恥ずかしい恥ずかしい  全部私たちに聞かれているのよ おちんちん反応した この変態、女の子に言葉でいじめられて感じてんじゃん にひひひ、恥ずかしいんだー このまま一気に快楽に引きずり込んであげる (激しい耳舐め1分、セリフの合間) (ここから詩亜ささやき)  詩亜ちゃん、本気モードね  もうお兄様は逃げられない  詩亜ちゃんのこの責めに絶対耐えられない  だって、それ、よわーいおちんちんだもの  自覚してちょうだい  女の子にちょっといじめられただけおもらしする残念おちんちんだって やーい、残念おちんちん (息吹きかけ) にっひ、もう体、完全に出来上がってるね このままおもらしまでごあんなーい  さて、そろそろかしら?  地獄までのカウントダウン  いく瞬間にたっぷり罵ってあげる  それがいいんでしょ?変態だものね? ん?もう射精くる? (ここまで) にひひ、じゃあお兄様のおもらしまでのカウントダウン 0でぴゅーぴゅー、にひひひ  私たちの目の前で精液出しなさい  んふふふ、じっくり観察して笑いものにしてあげる 10  9 8  7 6  5 シコシコシコシコシコー にひひ、だーせ、だーせ  こわーいお仕置きが待っているわよ? 4 寸止めおちんちん、もう限界だね おあずけされまくって精液どろっどろ  女の子に遊ばれての射精、頭焼けてしまうわね  そのお顔もみせなさいね  3 射精しろ  射精しろ   射精しろ、射精しろ、射精しろ 2 璃亜ちゃん、たっぷり笑ってあげようね  そうね、詩亜ちゃん、お兄様の射精、笑いましょう  1   せーっの0、0、0   射精しろ、この変態、ばーーか   ん?   くすくすくすくすくすくすくすくすくす なっさけないねー  白いお汁がバカみたいに吹き出しているわね 男の人って、ほんとにおもしろーい  楽しめるおもちゃね ほらほら、もっと笑わせてよ  もっと笑って馬鹿にしたいの   ねぇ、お・に・い・さ・ま?   にひひひひひひひ   (んふふふふふふふ) ねぇねぇ射精は終了?  あーあ、終わってしまったわね? じゃあ、あとは璃亜ちゃん、よろしくね  ええ、わかったわ璃亜ちゃん  忘れていないわよね?お仕置き  ねぇ、お兄様、そのおちんちん、壊してもいいかしら? いいに決まってるよね?お兄様 だって、ルールだもん  じゃあ、好き勝手に憂さ晴らし、させてもらうわね たっぷりいじめられて壊れてね それじゃ  お兄様、覚悟はいいわね?んふふ

Version A: Shia makes you cum, Ria makes you wait

Nhi, Shia's here, from the cumming side.  Nfu, Ria's here, from the patience side. Oniisan, I will try to make you ejaculate.  And togehter with me, you'll hold on. From here, I will cling to oniisama and and stroke his dick.  From here, I will cling to oniisama and whisper in his ear. Now we should be all set.  This is the beginning of hell.   Nhihihi, Game Start!   (Nfufu, Game Start!) Look, I've started stroking your dick. Make sure to feel plenty of my small boobs.  You can't, oniisama.  Don't give in to ria-chan's seduction. But how could he ever endure me stroking his dick this way? Come on now, let's make it hard fast. Does your dick swell up and get nice 'n hard?  You think it's nice getting hard?  Oniisama, what are you doing? you have to bare with me here.  I won't allow you betraying me. Nihihi, Ria-chan said she won't forgive you. You shouldn't get hard. Or you'll make shia-chan angry.  That's right, so keep your dick nice and small.  If you get hard now, stroking it will become very painful after this.  That's what'll happen you know. Nhihihi, and now it's hard. It just got erect, with complete disregard of the angry girl next to you. Aren't you the worst? Still, I love oniisama that way.  Looks like Shia-chan's attempts to woo you made you all lovey-dovey.  Oniisama, what the hell? Are you trying to cum?  Don't you get it that's the first step to ejculation?  Are you trying to make me angry here? That's what she says, but oniisama's dick feels quite good in my hands. Should I keep rubbing this dick with my teeny tiny hands?  Look what Shia-chan does do you, how pathetic.  Right now, oniisama, let this dick get small.  This is my order.  Now follow it. Oh noo, look how puffy her cheeks're getting. If you cum like this, things will get very dangerous for you. That's what I say, but I won't stop stroking it.  If you cum, it's punishment game for you.  I'll spank you so hard until you get crazy.  Kneeling down to me won't help you either, I'll just laugh and destroy you. Ohh, saying this only makes his dick get even harder. Oniisama, you a pervert? Nhihihi, he's definitely a pervert.  Pervert, hey, pervert! Did finding out your secret make you all dizzy?  Does calling you a pervert actually feel good?  Maybe us lying beside and observing you turned you on too much? Who can help it? Us staring at him and stroking his dick must feel the best! Why don't you let my voice let you guide to orgasm? I'll forgive you.  But I'll never forgive you if you cum.  I don't wanna see you peeing out your stupid white stuff.  If a younger girl makes you shoot out your stinking, smelly white juice, you're really disgusting.  Do you hear me? Nhihihi, looks like he's very close to cum now. I can see that very well. You can't hide it from me. It's useless. With this face, you're ready to cum. are you? Hey? Oniisama?  Close to cumming you say?  Are you trying to ignore what I say here or what?  Are you making fun of me?  That really pisses me off.  I told you, you can't cum! A scolding, a scolding. Niisama, a younger girl just told you that you can't cum. Does it make you crazy, having two different sides tell you opposite things? It's fine. When you're a dummy, you can listen better to me. Nhihihi, shikoshiko shikoshiko.  Come on. patience, patience  Have patience I tell you.  hee, he's starting to moan.  Scolding turns you on?  You saiyng, I'm turning you on? The pleasure of orgasm prevails~ Oniisama's close to the limit now. Cuuum, cuuum, come on now, pyu pyu orgasm. This'll be fun.  Do not cum.  Don't let your semen out.  You're just a toy, I won't forgive you if you come.  Ahh, but he's gonna cum anyway?  How brazen of you.  You should be ashamed. Ashamed? ahahahaha But isn't it fine? Show us how you cum, we'll keep a good eye on you. I'll forgive you with a warming smile. Ria-chan on the other hand will give you an ice cold stare. A rewardy reward for the pervert. Good boy, good boy. Or-gasm, or-gasm. Coooome on, seemen, pleaaase?  Stop. Oh my, oh my, we stopped. I'm afraid I have to stop stroking you now.  Hey, Onii-sama  What were you trying to do right now, I wonder?  Hey... t-e-l-l-m-e.  Don't try to play dumb, I know you were trying to cum.  Onii-sama, your dick so so very weak.  Such a deplorable dick, not worthy of girls.  It's like garbage. Nhihihi, Ria-chan's giving you a lecture. Also, even though you can't cum, your dick is twitchy-twitching. What a shame. Did you want to cum so bad, despite all that was said? It looks like you still want it right now- Soo lewwwd~  Come on now, thank me.  I stopped you right on the verge of orgasm.  Otherwise, Shia-chan would've won you over.  You know what happens when she does, right?  Then Hell awaits you. Ria-chan is so gentle. Onii-sama, you just escaped death. Shouldn't you thank her for it?  Go on and say it.  "Thank you very much for stopping on the edge"  ...nfufufu. Nhihihi.  Allright, from here on, I'll make you stop anytime you get close to orgasm.  Anytime, for many times, y'know. How wonderful, Onii-sama. Ria-chan takes creat care of your weak dick. Anyway, I don't wanna lose either, so I'll try my best too. Look, shiko-shiko restart.  Shia-chan started rubbing you off again.  Your edged dick, isn't it sensitive?  What is this?  Hey, what are you doing here?  You're going to hold on, and nothing more, right? Rubby rubby dick. I'm thoroughly tampering with this edged dick. But don't worry. No matter how many times I make you cum...  Each and every time I will stop you at the edge.  What is this frustration coming over you, Onii-sama?  Do you hate it?  Well in that case, be patient. And now, here's the final blow! Nhihi, just like this. (Blows into ear) (Shia whispers) Ahah, you twitched. Onii-sama, I've found your weakspot. Or rather, your whole body is a weakspot. And so very lewd. I'm licking and absuding lewd onii-sama through his ear. (Earjob 1 minute)  Shia-chan's ear licking is rather intense, right?  It's like she's raping your brain.  It also goes to your dick.  Does it feel unbearably good?  But you know, right?  Cumming is forbidden.  What are you twiching your body for?  Be patient.  Does such a small girl being nice to you make you come in a moment?  Onii-sama, aren't you a man?  Listen, don't feel Shia-chan's breath.  Disregard her whisper-sweet voice.  Don't let your dick feel good.  It doesn't feel good, it does not.  Aw geez, you're already drowzy and melting away, your face looks like a dummy.  Are you going towards orgasm?  Are you stupid or what?  How many times do I have to tell you, you can't cum? You pervert.  Really, onii-chan is the fucking worst.  Do your sloppy wet ear and your strokey dick make your semen rise from your balls?  Pull yourself together! Nhihi, my ear abuse is the beeest. When I whisper like this, you're aching to come. Raping your ear and your dick at the same time makes you wanna cum. You wanna cum, you wanna cum. Nhihi, it's like you're brainwashed. This is so fun. Let's do it some more. (Bit more intense Earjob 1 minute)  Hey, is your dick twitching because it nags for a punishment?  I am honestly getting angry now.  When I lose my cool, you won't know me anymore. I'll do all sorts of horrible things to toys.  You're the first human toy, but I wonder how long you'll last.  The longer, the more fun I'll have.  Hm? You don't want that? My punishment?  Well then, what about orgasm? You can't, right?  But it seems like onii-sama wants to cum so much.  Look, you're almost at your limit.  No use to hide it. I found out. Nhi, pyuu-pyuu, dripdrip, pyupyuuu, lots of it. Okaaay, here it comes, the cliinheeer! (1 minute severe ear licking)  Looks like shia-chan announced the final spurt.  Nfufufu, but you can't come.  Because I'll stop you.  But not right now.  After all, edging at the very brink must be very tough, right?  This is a penalty for no-good onii-sama.  Just in a bit, I'll time it perfectly to your orgasm.  Nfufu, whaat? That face?  ..."thank you" it is, right? you perv.  It's coming, it's coming.  Nfufufufu, duuummy! stop! (Whisper ends) Nhihihi, just a little bit more and... I stopped my hands, but your dick doesn't stop twitching. It must be soo tough. What a shame, Onii-sama.  How is it? How's the taste of this edging?  Your eyes're wet. are you happy maybe?  It's allright.  We'll do this many times again.  Over and over, as many times as we want. And I'll also tease you as much as I want. Since we're edging you, I can do it over and over again. yep. Nihihihi.  Nfufufufufu.  You scared? Ngugugu, are you scared?  Or are you happy?  Because you can taste this edging hell, while being squeezed by two little girls.  But that's going to make you come, right?  You better be patient, that's what I tell you.  We have nothing to do with that. That's right, we don't. Okay, rubbing resumes.  Ngugu, there she goes again rubbing you off.  Your dick's about to burst.  But I'll save you by stopping. How nice. She'll stop you so many times.  Nfufu, he's about to cry.  With this attitude, you can tell it's going to get rough.  From here on, edging hell will last a long time. The semen in your balls is becoming like syrup, right? When your semen is going back and forth from your dick and balls, it can ripen very nicely. Let me play with it.  What is it, oniisama?  If you want to say something, then say it. want to come? Pfh He said it, he said it! But that is really dangerous, y'know.  Onii-sama, did I allow you to cum?  Didn't you just thank me for stopping you?  And yet, what're you trying to do here?  You want to cum? Haa? What the hell is this' Oh noo, now you really made Ria-chan angry. Not that I care. Nihihi (A bit intense ear licking 1 minute) (Shia whispers)  Your dick is jumping about again.  Is this dick telling me "Please punish me?"  Should I do as you wish for?  I'll spank you so hard until you can't be stroked anymore.  How do you have any more use as trash?  I'll destroy you and rip you apart until look nothing like a toy anymore.  I'm scolding you here.  And yet you're lovey-dovey for Ria-chan. What the fuck, really?  Ah, right, you think I'm an idiot.'ll definitely regret this.  I won't forgive you even if you cry.  Look into my eyes.  Hurry.  Look into ice cold eyes.  Do you know what they mean?  Nfufufu, is that a tear I see? Go on and cry.  I'm threatening you, pervert. Cry. Nhihihi.  Nfufufu.   Nhihihihi (NFufufufufufu) (Whisper ends) Hey, hey, Ria-chan. This Oniisama's  Shia-chan, This is so very interesting.   Girls made him cry.   Nihihi   (Nfufu). (Shia whispers again) Younger girls made you cry. How very shameful. (Ear Breath)  She got so angry that you cry, onii-chan must really be embarassed.  But, y'know-  Did you think I'll forgive you if you cried? Strokeystrokey, shikoshiko. Even your dick's cry with lewd juices. Cry mooore.  Even if you cry, I won't let Shia-chan forgive you.  What is it? Enough with the edging? It's fine if I break you?  No.  I won't let you come. Is the semen coming up? Yup, that's allright. You can cum while Ria-chan's scolding you. Come on, come on. (Intense ear licking and ad-lib)  Oh no you don't onii-sama, it's edging time.  The so very painful and saddening edging.  Let it be engraved into your body and heart. Come oon, come ooon, out with the seeemen! Now now now!  Just a bit, just a bit more to orgasm.  Your dick's gonna shoot it out in a straight line.  Edging two times is already your limit.  But three times will be even more painful. Look forward to it.  This edging hell is very proficient. Aaand cuuu-  Okay, stop.  Another edge.  Oh dear, but Shia-chan doesn't stop her ear licking. After all, the stops are only meant for your dick. That's the rule here.  Nfufufu, that's right.  Your body sensitive from edging is feeling pleasure all around from ear licking.  You poor thing, onii-sama.  You can't think of anything else than cumming.  That was our plan.  It is that kind of game.  We won't stop until you beg us to make you cum.  It was always meant that only the orgasm-side can win. We just want to break you, onii-sama. And yet, you were frantically resisting this edging hell. It was all a complete waste.  How is it? Isn't it a fun game?  But I'm afraid, I'm really going to break you.  In fact, without my orders, onii-sama will edge over and over again.  Also, you have to say out loud that you want to come.  I'm still making up my mind.  Let me say it again.  Do you really want me to break you?  Oh, you'll let us do anything to you as we please?  Aren't you mortified?  Nfufufu, this onii-sama has no shame.  Well then, go ahead and say: "Please break me, Ria-sama"  Nfufufufu  And now go ahead and pester shia-chan to rub you off.  Please take me to hell. (Until here) Nhihihi, allright. I'll make you fel really good with these little hands. See, see?  Shia-chan's relentless handjob started.  Your dick is overjoyed from ear teasing. All that's left is for orgasm to approach, ever further, nhihi I'm winning!  Onii-sama will get plenty of atonement from making me lose. Ohh, that's scary. Onii-sama But your dick is steadly racing towards orgasm. This time there's no stopping. Each time I rub with all my strength, it's overflooowing with clear juice.  Slurpy-slurpy and so slimy, aah, so embarassing.  We can both hear it nice and well. You dick reacted. This pervert feels something when little girls tease him with words. Nhihihi, sooo embarassing. With one stoke, you're overwhelmed with pleasure. (Intense ear licking and ad-lib) (Shia whispers)  This is shia-chan in serious-mode.  Now there's no escape anymore.  There's no way you can resist this kind of teasing.  Because this penis is sooo weak.  At long last you've learned it.  Such a poor penis that pees from little girls teasing him. Yaay, you sad little penis. (Ear breath) Nhi, your body is completely finished. Now there's nothing left than to pee.  Now, is it about time?  The countdown to hell.  Once you come, we'll give you plenty of abuse.  Is that allright? You fucking pervert. Hm? You gonna come already? (Until here) Nhihi, now here's the countdown until you can pee. At zero you'll go pyuu-pyuu, nihihi.  You'll ejaculate right in front of our eyes.  Nhuhuhu, we'll take a real good look and laugh at you. 10  9 8  7 6  5 Shikoshikoshiko Nhihi, coome coome  A reaally scary punishment awaits you. 4 Your edging dick is at the limit. Your blocked semen's turned to syrup.  Girls playing with your orgasm has burned your brain.  Let me see that face.  3 Come on  Come on   Cum cum cum 2 Ria-chan, let's laugh at him a lot.  That's right shia-chan. when onii-sama comes, we'll laugh at him.  1   Heere we go! 0, 0, 0   Come on, you pervert iiidiot!   Hm?   *gigglegiggle* How shaaamefull?  He's spouting white juice everywhere like an idiot. Men are really fuuun!  He's really a fun toy. Come on, let's laugh even harder.  Laugh more and turn him into the big idiot he is.   Hey, o-nii-sa-ma?   Nhihihi Hihihi   (Nfufufufufufufu) Hey hey, is it over?  Yeah, looks like it's over. Now then, I'll leave the punishment to you, Ria-chan.  Yeah, I know, shia-chan.  I didn't forget it, y'know. My Punishment  Hey, onii-sama, can I really destroy your dick? You clearly said so. Onii-sama Because that's the rule.  Well then, doing whatever I want should be a nice distraction. Let's break him up good and nice by teasing. Okay then.  Oniisama, prepare yourself for this. Nfufu.

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