Track 3

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 はーい、私が射精させる側 はーい、私が我慢させる側  私がお兄様をじっくりと射精にまで追いやってあげるわ お兄様、一緒にがんばって射精、我慢しようね   ゲームスタート  私はこっち側からお兄様に密着 じゃあじゃあ、私はこっち側  んふふ、おちんちん、握ってあげるわ にひひ、我慢っていっぱい言ってあげる  ほら、シコシコの時間よ  早く勃起して快楽を流し込まれてちょうだいね にひ、璃亜ちゃんのシコシコ攻撃が始まっちゃった でも、お兄様、分かってんだよね? 我慢、我慢 勃起は絶対しないでね  お兄様、いいのよ?  私、お兄様の大きくなったおちんちん、見たいわ  きっと私たちのおまんこには入りきらない大きさよね?  んふふ、楽しみ だーめ どうせ、おちんちん私たちにいれられないんだから意味ないよ お手手だけで恥ずかしく射精させられるだけ そんなの、男の人として惨めだよね?  惨めな快楽、とっても甘いのよ?  とろとろでほっぺが落ちそう、やみつきになってしまうかも 負けグセ、ついちゃうよ? もう二度と女の人に相手されなくなる それでもいいの? 嫌ならしこしこに負けないでね? がまん  私たちの体温、感じているかしら?  暖かくて気持ちいいわよね?  小さな体が左右から寄り添って  そんな状態でシコシコ ちょっと、お兄様 勃起してきてるんだけど? 私、我慢って言ってるよ? 言う事聞きなよ?  あらあら、詩亜ちゃんに怒られてしまったわ  でも、おちんちんがどんどん張り詰めていく  叱られているのに、仕様がないお兄様 勃起しないで やめて あーもう、完全に勃起した 璃亜ちゃんのお手手気持ちいいんだ? お兄様、璃亜ちゃんの味方なんだ?  んふふふ、私を贔屓にしてくれるのね  うれしい  ご褒美にいっぱい気持ちよくしてあげるから なにデレデレしてんのよ 気持ち悪い お兄様、そのまま射精するつもりじゃないよね? いい加減にしないと、私怒るよ?  詩亜ちゃんを怒らせない方がいいわ  きっとすごいこと、されてしまうもの  もちろん、シコシコは念入りに執拗に  しこしこ、しこしこ サイテー なにおちんちんぴくつかせてるの? 情けないおねだりしてるみたい そう、私のお仕置き、受けたいんだ? そうなら早く言ってくれないと お兄様、どうやっていたぶって遊ぼうかな  んふふ、怒らせた  早く謝らないと  ごめんなさいしないと大変よ へぇー、簡単に謝るんだ? お兄様、今、どんなことになってるかわかってんの? おちんちんびんびんでごめんなさい バカみたいだよ? でも、いいよ お兄様が我慢したいって言うなら助けてあげる いく瞬間にとめてあげる 寸止めでね  んふ、許してもらえてよかったわね?  寸止めしてもらえるのよ?  詩亜ちゃんが優しくてよかったわね 安心して射精に向かいだした 我慢しろって言ってんの バカじゃないの? 寸止めしてもらえるってわかった瞬間これ? お兄様も我慢しようとしないとダメ ほら、射精するな  でもおちんちんはザーメン出そうと必死  射精、くるのよね?  いいわよ、いっぱい出して私たちを汚しましょう?  女の子に精液かけるとすごく危ない快楽が味わえるの  ほぉら、だーせ だすな、だすなだすな おちんちん、おもらしするな お兄様がばかならおちんちんも馬鹿なんだね ほら、ばかおちんちん、我慢しろ  いっていいよ?  おちんちんの中をこすりながら精液が上がってくるのとても気持ちいいわよ?  何度もおちんちん痙攣させて最後の一滴まで出すの  射精の間もずっとしこしこしていてあげる 情けないおちんちん 璃亜ちゃんにちょっと誘惑されただけでこんなになってる ねぇ、もう射精くるんだよね? 何が違うの? バレバレだから お顔がとろけておちんちんからえっちなお汁が止まんない ねぇ、年下の女の子に射精のタイミング全部見透かされてるんだよ? ああ、もう限界じゃん サイテー  んふふ、詩亜ちゃんにここまで言われてるのに射精きてしまうのね?  悪いお兄様、でも私はそういうの好きよ?  ほら、いって  お仕置きなんて忘れて射精して  ほぉら、気持ちいいお射精、どうぞ? ストップ  あら、止められてしまったわね  残念、射精はおあずけ なに?その顔 寸止めしてあげるっていったの忘れたの? 助けてあげたんだよ? それなのにその物欲しそうなお顔、なんなの? ムカつく  あーあ、怒らせた  お兄様、寸止めしてもらったのにそんな態度とるから  んふふふ、しらないわよ? じゃあ、もう寸止めなんてしないから 勝手に璃亜ちゃんに射精させられてよ 後でたっぷり壊してあげるから 楽しみにしてなよ  んふふ、寸止めしてくれないそうよ?  困ったわね  寸止めしてもらえないとお兄様の弱いおちんちん、絶対耐えられえない 璃亜ちゃん、しこしこしていいよ?  はーい、詩亜ちゃん  ほら、再開よ?  寸止めおちんちん、快楽漬けにしましょうね?  んふふふ、おちんちんとっても敏感  喘ぎ声、漏れているわよ?  私たちに聞かせたいのかしら? 拘束されたまま女の子に好き勝手にいじめてもらいたんだよ ほら、お兄様の大好きなしこしこ、いっぱいしてもらいなよ 私、もう知らないから、お好きにどうぞ そして、お仕置き、にひひ  詩亜ちゃんすっごく悪いお顔  お兄様、ただじゃ済まないわね  んふふふ、詩亜ちゃんもお待ちかねだし、ちょっと本気出すわね  (息吹きかけ)  (ここから璃亜ささやき声)  耳もたっぷりいじめてよがらせてあげる  (耳舐め1分) どう?璃亜ちゃんの責め にひひ、絶対たえらんないよね? あっというまに精液だらだらー 恥ずかしくて惨めで情けないおもらし 女の子の前に晒しちゃうね それで気持ちよくなって放心してるお兄様に死刑判決 お仕置き決定を告げるの 天国から地獄へ一気に突き落としてあげる 私ね、怒ると見境ないんだ いつもおもちゃバラバラになって原型なくなっちゃう でも、おもちゃ壊すの、癖になるくらい爽快 お兄様?お兄様はおもちゃだよね? そう誓ったんだもん だから、ゴミにしてあげる 楽しみだね? ん?どうしたのお兄様? ま・さ・か 私に助けて欲しいとか思ってる? 寸止めして欲しいの? あれー?お兄様、さっき射精したかったんだよね? なのに今度は射精したくないんだ? へぇ、面白いね もちろん、お兄様も命令聞いて我慢するんだよね? じゃあ、私に懇願しなよ? 『どうか寸止めしてください』ってさ ぷ、お願いしちゃうんだ (ここまで)  ぷ、んふふふ  ごめんなさい、笑ってしまったわ  耳舐め、続けるわ (ここから璃亜ささやき) 璃亜ちゃんまで笑わせちゃったね でも、自覚したほうがいいよ? それだけ恥ずかしいお願いしたんだから 射精できないようにコントロールしてくださいってことだもん 女の子に射精の自由、委ねたんだよ? にひひ、ちょっとだけ怒りが収まったかも えー、でもどうしよっかな 迷っちゃうな  今がチャンスね  寸止めのお願い、答えてもらえなかったわね  このままじゃ、射精のときに止めてもらえないわね  お仕置き確定  でも、私には関係ないわよね?  全力でお兄様を射精に導くわ  (少し激しい耳舐め1分) 璃亜ちゃんの耳舐め、やばい? ねぇ、やばいの? でも、お兄様は寸止めしてもらえない だって私、お願いしろっていったけど聞いてあげるなんて一言も言ってないもん にひひ、このままじゃ璃亜ちゃんにいかされちゃうね ほら、我慢してみなよ? がまん、がまん、ほらがまん にひひ、お兄様のよわーいおちんちんはいつまでもつかな? もう限界、近かったりして  限界、近いのよね?  手の中でおちんちんすごいことになっているもの  このまま、おもらしまで一直線  容赦しないわ  (激しい耳舐め1分、セリフの合間) もうおちんちん大惨事 詩亜ちゃんの手がおちんちんを犯しまわってる 耳から快楽を流されて、おちんちんもしこしこ 頭、訳わかんなくなるね? それで、その先は・・・にひひ ん?なにかなー? 寸止めしてください? にひひ、考え中 もうちょっと待ってね?  もう待てないよね?  射精まであと一歩  突・き・落・と・す・わ・ね でる?ほらでる? 寸止め寸止めってうわ言みたいにいってるね? でももう、終わり 精液、でる ・・・ストップ  (ここまで)  んふふ、命拾いしたわね、お兄様  もう射精寸前だったわよ? ほら、変態 感謝しろ 寸止めしてあげたぞ? 心こめて『ありがとうございます』だよ?   ぷ、くくく   にひひひひひ   (んふふふふふ) ねぇ、聞いた?璃亜ちゃん  ええ、確かに聞いたわ詩亜ちゃん   ありがとうございます、だって   にひひひひひひ   (んふふふふふふ)   ばーか  本当に面白いわね ねぇ、もうネタばらししよっか? 絶対今した方が面白いよ  そうね、絶望に歪むお兄さまも見たいわ じゃあ、言おうか  言いましょう   このゲーム、射精するまで終わらないから  聞こえたかしら?  つまりお兄様はこのまま延々と地獄の寸止めを味わうの お願いされたんだから仕方ないよね?  はい、じゃあ、シコシコ再開  寸止めおちんちんを徹底的にいじめないといけないわね ほら、射精するまで終わらないんだからぼーっとしてる暇ないよ? 寸止めしてもらえるって言っても、お兄様も我慢しないとダメ 寸止め任せで快楽に任せるなんて許さないから まぁ、どっちにしろ射精まで終わらないからお仕置き確定なんだけど でも、お兄様は私に我慢するって約束したもんね? あんまり情けないと、本気で怒っちゃうよ?  んふふふ、詩亜ちゃん、目が本気  お兄様、詩亜ちゃんを怒らせないようにね?  お仕置きがあるにしてもそのお仕置きが優しくなるか厳しくなるかは詩亜ちゃんの気分次第  まぁ、私には関係ないけど  (ここから璃亜ささやき)  ほら、しこしこ、しこしこ  (息吹きかけ)  おちんちん気持ちいい、おちんちん気持ちいい  (少し激しい耳舐め1分 セリフの合間) また快楽に流されてる 我慢するって言ったばっかりじゃん なのにそれ、どういうこと? お兄様、もしかして私に怒られたかったりする? そういうのマゾ、って言うんだよね?  まーぞ、まーぞ、んふふふ ほら、喜んでる ってことは、手加減なしで怒っていいんだよね? お望み通りにしてあげる いいわけすんな 変態マゾ ほら、マゾ、我慢しろ 射精するな おちんちん反応するな め・い・れ・い 私のいいなりになって従いなよ あったまきた 小さい女の子に一方的にいじめられるおもちゃの分際でなに感じてんのよ そういうのさいてーだから  早くおちんちんどうにかしないとね?  耳、もっと責めるとどうなるのかしら?  (息吹きかけ)  絶対もっとよがって詩亜ちゃんを怒らせてしまう  んふふ、もっと責めるわね  (激しい耳舐め1分 セリフの合間) へぇ、璃亜ちゃんのほうがいいんだ? そういうこと お兄様、私の敵になるんだ ・・・容赦しない 寸止め地獄で馬鹿になるまでしつけてあげる どれだけ許しを乞おうが関係なし 私に従うまで過酷な調教、ぶっ続けで責め抜く おもちゃ以下の存在にする  怖いね?  でもおちんちんガチガチ  ばーか ほら寸止めで狂ってよ お兄様が大好きな寸止めだよ? よかったじゃん  詩亜ちゃんのためにも寸止めのチャンス作るわね  ほら、追い込んであげるわ  射精なんてできないけど  無意味に射精まで登ってちょうだい 璃亜ちゃんも寸止めしておかしくなるところ、見たいんだって じゃあ、私たちに寸止めの瞬間、晒せ 寸止めまで、3・2・1・・・ ストップ はーい寸止め、できましたー にひひひ、でもでも、璃亜ちゃんは許さないみたい 残酷だねー  手はストップしたわよ?  耳は別、そうでしょ?お兄様、んふふふ 休憩の時間も責められ続けるのってどんな気分? にひひ、おちんちん全然休まらないね? 逆におちんちんに刺激が欲しくてたまらなくなるんじゃないの? でも、そのまましこしこしたら射精しちゃうんじゃない? まぁ、このまま続けてたら耳舐めだけで射精しちゃうくらいまでいっちゃうかもだけどね この射精できない地獄をたっぷり堪能してね? お兄様に拒否権はないから 当たり前 だって私たちのおもちゃだもん おもちゃはご主人様の好きなように遊んでもらうのが幸せ それに、にひひ、おちんちんは大喜びしてるじゃん  透明なお汁垂らして幸せそうね  耳から入った私のよだれが出てきているのかしら?  面白い体 じゃあ、そろそろ射精は遠のいた? またしこしこでおかしくしてあげる ん?なに?  あーあ、そんなこというのね  お兄様、あうと ふざけないで イカせて欲しいって? さっきと逆のこと言ってる やっぱり馬鹿なんだね いったらお仕置きなの、わかってる? この寸止めが生ぬるく感じるくらい過酷なお仕置き それが待ってるんだよ? ・・・それでもいいんだ じゃあ、いおっか? 『壊してください、詩亜様』 ほら、いいなよ いったら最後、もう引き返せないけどね  (璃亜ささやきここまで)   あーあ、いっちゃった  ねぇ、詩亜ちゃん、これもう終了ね うん、もうおしまいだね  じゃあ、ひと思いにとどめさしましょう?  最後に頭がとろける快楽をプレゼント お兄様にはがっかり、もう用済みだもんね さっさと仕留めよっか、璃亜ちゃん  ほら、最後のしこしこよ?  心と体に快楽を刻み込みなさい  ほら、ほら 璃亜ちゃんにとどめさしてもらえるね? 残念おちんちんが璃亜ちゃんの本気に耐えられるわけないもんね 私ももう寸止めなんてしてあげない にひひひ、もう頭とっくに飛んじゃってるね 射精の先になにがあるのか理解できてないみたい  出してすっきりしたあと、絶望させると面白そうね にひひ、璃亜ちゃん冷酷 でも、私も同じこと考えてた だから、せめて射精のときはたっぷり気持ちよくしてあげる  (ここから璃亜ささやき)  耳もおちんちんもめちゃくちゃに犯してあげるわね  お兄様、覚悟  (激しい耳舐め1分 セリフの合間) ほらほら、もう出るんだよね? お兄様はもう用無し ここまでとろとろに成り下がったら遊べないもん 壊して処分してあげる  処分だって、お兄様、どうなってしまうのかしら?  でもそんなこと、もうどうでもいいわよね? ほら、マゾ 射精にどんどん近づけ もう私たちから逃げられない おとなしく一方的に射精させられてよ きっとバカみたいに精液溢れて楽しいよ?  ほら、いきなさい  私たち、許可してるのよ?  命令通りに射精して楽しませなさい  (息吹きかけ)  (璃亜ささやきここまで)  ほら、射精、射精、射精 だせだせ、にひひ お兄様の射精、みたいなー  お兄様、もう出るのね?  じゃあ、私たちが罵ってあげる  年下の女の子に馬鹿にされて精液吐き出してちょうだい  んふふ、おもちゃの烙印、焼き付けてあげる  変態 変態  変態 変態  変態 変態   変態変態変態   マゾ  もう限界でしょ?  精液ぴゅっぴゅしましょうね? 観察されながら、おもらし  射精しろ 射精しろ  射精をイメージ 出したら頭壊れるくらいいいよ?  ぴゅーぴゅー とぷとぷとぷー  ぴゅっぴゅっ ぴゅるるるるるー  とろとろーーー たらたらーーー  もうすぐ味わわされる 強制的に容赦なく  女の子に負けなさい 女の子に屈服しちゃえ  璃亜様と 詩亜様に   いじめられて射精しろ   ほぉら、と・ど・め   いけよこの変態、ほらぁ  出してる こんなに貯め込んじゃって   くすくすくすくすくすくす   あー、恥ずかしい  ほら遠慮せずに全部出しなさい  その間、お兄様のお顔、観察しててあげるわ ザーメン吐き出すのにあわせて表情がぴくぴくってなってる へぇー、おもしろいなー  楽しい見世物ね おもちゃにぴったり  さて、射精はもう終わりかしら? 終わっちゃったね はい、これで楽しいゲームは終了 これからは・・・にひひひ  お兄様、詩亜ちゃんとの約束覚えているわよね?  んふふ、あとは二人で楽しんでちょうだい  それじゃあね、さよならお兄様 ありがとう、璃亜ちゃん お兄様、二人きりになれたね?にひひひひひひひひひひ

Version B: Ria makes you cum, Shia makes you wait

 Yeees, here I am from the cumming side. Yees, here I am from the patience side.  I'll make sure to make oniisama orgasm very nicely. Onii-sama, I'll cheer you on not to cum, good luck.   Game Start.  From this side, I'll closely snuggle up to oniisama. Tadaa, and from this side too.  Nfufu, and grabbing your your dick will be me. Nihihi, I'll cheer you on plenty.  Now, it's shikoshiko time.  I'll make you feel really good, to get you hard in no time. Nihi, Ria-chan began her dick attack right away. But you know, right? Oniisama? Self-control, self-control. No matter what you do, don't get hard.  Oniisama, it's fine.  Just look at me how I make your dick big.  It'll get so big, it'd never fit inside our pussies.  Nfufu, so much fun. You caaan't. In any case, we'd never let your dick go inside there anyway, so this means nothing. Making you cum with our hands is embarassing enough. Doesn't that make you sad, as a man?  It's not sad pleasure, it's very sweet.  You'll get so addicted to it, tears will roll down your cheeks. Never give up, hold your stance. Or you'll never feel the company of another woman again. Is that what you want? If not, don't give in to her shikoshiko. Patience.  Can you feel our warm bodies?  Doesn't it feel nice and warm?  Two little bodies snuggle up to you from both sides.  And like this, you even get rubbed. Wait a second, Onii-sama. Are you still getting hard? Didnt I just tell you to have self-control? Don't you listen to what I say?  Oh my, Shia-chan's getting angry here.  But this dick is gradually stretching upwards.  She scolds you and this happens? You're hopeless, oniisama. Do not get hard. Stop it. Aw geez, now it's completely rock hard. Do Ria-chan's little mitts feel that good? Oniisama, is Ria-chan your friend or what?  Nfufufu, he's growing to like me more.  I'm so happy.  As a reward, I'll make you feel really really good. What're you getting all lovey-dovey about? You make me sick. Onii-sama, are you planning to cum like this? Cut it out, will you? Or I'll get angry.  Oh, you better not make Shia-chan angry.  She can get quite terrible when you do.  Not that I mind of course. I'm just rubbing here.  Shikoshiko shikoshiko. You're the worst. Why's your dick getting all jumpy here? It looks like it's shamefully begging. Is that it? You wanna have my punishment? Tell me right now if you want that. Onii-sama, I can get really rough when I play.  Nfufu, now she's angry.  You better apologize right away.  Say that you're sorry, or you'll regret it. Hee? You think a simple apology does it? Oniisama, do you even know what you're doing right now? Saying "sorry" with such an oingy boingy dick. Are you an idiot or what? Well, fine by me. If you need to hold on that much, then I'll help you. I'll make you stop right when you cum. A denial, you got that?  Nfu, how wonderful, she forgives you.  She'll even make you stop.  Isn't it wonderful how nice Shia-chan can be? And with confidence he's facing straight to orgasm. I told you to hang on! Man, you're so dumb. The moment I said "denial", this happens? Oniisama doesn't even try to hang on, it's useless. You hear, do not cum.  But this dick is already desperate to let out his semen.  Is the semen coming?  It's allright, let it all out and make us really dirty.  Taste the forbidden pleasure of smearing little girls with semen.  Heeere, cuuum pleaase. Don't cum. Don'tcumdon'tcum! Don't pee, you stupid dick. Oniisama, you're a dummy, and your dick is dumb too. Come on you stupid dick, hang on will you?  I'm telling you it's fine.  Letting your semen move through your dick will surely feel so very pleasant.  First it will twitch many times, and lasty the first drop will come out.  And when that happens, I will rub it lots and lots. You pathetic dick. This only happened because Ria-chan wooed you a bit. Say, you gonna cum already? How do I know? Because I found out. Because of your droopy face, and that nonstop juice from your dick. I'm telling you, girls younger than you can spot your orgasm timing right away. Ahh, this is the last spurt now! This sucks.  Nfufu, you went so far to make Shia-chan like than, and you're still going to cum?  Bad oniisama. But I like you that way.  Come on, cum.  Don't think about the punishment, and come.  Heeere, your pleasant ejaculation, will you please? Stop.  Oh my, she made me stop.  Your orgasm's in custody, I'm afraid. What now? That face. I told you I was going to deny you. Did you forget? I'm trying to help you here. And here you go making such a greedy face? I'm offended.  Oh dear, you made her angry.  Oniisama, this is bad manners after she made you stop.  Nfufufu, why I never. And what if I hadn't? Then Ria-chan would've made him cum all by herself. Then I surely would've broken him to pieces. That's no fun at all.  Nfufu, so it was a good idea to stop him.  Or else, it could've been troublesome.  Without the denial, oniisama's frail dick could never stand a chance against you. Ria-chan, jerk him off, okay?  Yesss, Shia-chan.  Let us resume.  We will make this dick addicted to denials.  Nfufufu, this dick is already so well attuned.  Do I hear some moans here?  Would you like us to hear them? Restrained, having a girl tease his dick all she likes. Go on then oniisama, have your beloved rubbing. Have it all. I don't care anymore. Just do whatever. And then, punishment. nhihi.  Shia-chan, now she's making her angry face.  Onii-sama, you should feel ashamed of yourself.  Nfufufu, Shia-chan I've been making you wait all this time, so let's get serious for a moment.  (Breathing)  (From here Ria whisper)  I'll also tease your ear until you're fully satisfied.  (Ear licking 1 minute) How is it?Ria-chan's tease? Nihihi, it's unbearable, right? With that, she'll make you drool your semen in no time. Your shameful, miserable, deplorable pee. Exposing yourself in front of girls. And in this peace of mind, this pleasure will be your death sentence. I will determine your punishment then. With one short thrust, I will push you from the highest heavens into deepest hell. And with a grim face I will look at you. That's what I always do with my toys, I rip them to shreds. Still, no matter how often I break them, it always feels refreshing. Onii-sama?Onii-sama is a toy, right? Cause that's what you swore to us. So, I'll throw you in the garbage. Look forward to it, k? Hmm? What now Onii-sama? Don't. Tell. Me. Could you possibly need my help? Do you want me to stop? Huuuh? Onii-sama, just before you wanted to cum! And this time you don't want to cum? Hee, now isn't that interesting. Of course, oniisama needs to follow my every command, you hear? Now, beg to me. Say "One way or another, make it stop, please!" Ph, he totally begged for it. (Until here)  Pu, nfufufu.  I'm sorry, I shouldn've laughed.  Let's keep licking this ear. (From here Ria whispers) You even made Ria-chan laugh. But you better come to grips with it. Since you begged for such a shameful thing... It's like you said "Please control me, so I don't cum". You willfully give your orgasm to us girls? Nihihi, now that lifts my mood. But just a bit. But ehh, now what do I do? I'm totally lost here.  This is our chance.  Your denial wish, don't let her remember.  If she doesn't remember, she won't stop your orgasm.  And then it's punishment confirmed.  Not that I have anything to do with it.  I'm leading you to orgasm with full force.  (A bit intense ear licking 1 minute) Ria-chan's ear licking, pretty dangerous? Hey, is it a close call? But now I can make oniisama stop. 'cause I heard everything. as soon as she said wish, I remembered. Nhihihi, or else, Ria-chan would've won. Come on, show me your patience. Patience, patience, patience. Nihihi, onii-sama's weak penis is getting ready any time. Are you about to hit your limit?  It's getting close, huh?  Your dick's gotten so incredible in my hands.  Like this, you're gonna pee right away.  But I'm not holding back.  (Insense ear licking 1 minute, during lines) Your dick is a great disaster. Ria-chan's hands are completely raping it. She's draining pleasure down your ear, while stroking your dick. Your head doesn't know what's going on anymore, right? And then... nhihihi. Hmm? What what? Please stop it? Nhihihi, let me think about it. Just wait a minute, okay?  You can't wait anymore.  You're just a step away from orgasm.  Here's, the, last, push... COming? Out?Hey, you coming? Looks liek you're in delirium about "denial, denial". But it's over already. It's coming. ...stop.  (Until here)  Nfufu, now that was a narrow escape from death, onii-sama.  You were on the verge of orgasm here. Hey, you perv. Thank me. I've let you stop, didn't I? Say from the bottom of your heart: "Thank you very much"   Pu, Kukuku   Nhihihihi   (Nfufufufufu) Hey, did you hear that, Ria-chan?  Yes I certainly did, shia-chan.   He said "thank you very much".   Hihihi Nhihihi   (NFufufufufufu)   Stuuupid.  This is really interesting. Hey, should we give him a little spoiler? We sure had our fun so far.  You're right, I wanna see onii-sama immerse himself in complete despair. Okay, let's tell him.  Yep, let's.   This game is not over, until you cum.  Did he hear it?  In other words, onii-sama will savor this endless denial hell, forever. But who can help it, if that's what you want.  Okay, now let's resume.  It won't do, not to give this denied dick a thorough bullying. Hey, it's not over until you cum, so you don't have time to doze off. Even though I said I'll stop you, onii-sama also needs to be patient. I don't allow you to leave everything to denial and pleasure. Well but whatever you do, your punishment is settled, because it's not over before you cum anyway. But you promised me you'd hang in there, right? If you're this pathetic, I'll really get angry.  Nfufufu, those are Shia-chan's serious eyes.  Onii-sama, you shouldn't make her angry.  Even if she ends up punishing you, it always depends on her mood if she'll do it gentle or furiously.  Well, not that I care anyway.  (From here Ria whispers)  Here, rubby rubby.  (Breahting)  Your dick feels good, so good.  (Light intense ear licking 1 minute, during lines) Again you're drowning in pleasure. And I just told you to hang in there. What does that tell me, huh? Onii-sama, are you perhaps trying to make me angry? Are you saying you're that kind of masochist?  Maso, maaso, nfufufu Look, you're rejoycing. ...that means, I can get angry without holding back? I'll do as you wish then. No excuses anymore. Pervert maso. Hey, maso, patience. Don't you cum. Dick, stop reacting. That's-an-or-der. If you dn't do exactly as I say, I get pissed off. How does it feel like degrading into a a plaything for little girls? It must be the wooorst.  Your dick wants to do something very soon.  I wonder what happens if I tease your ears even more.  (Breathing)  I'll make sure you feel all satisfied, so Shia-chan gets angry.  Nfufu, let's tease you even more.  (Intense ear licking 1 minute, during lines) hee, so you like Ria-chan more than me? Is that how it is? Onii-sama, you're now my enemy. ...I won't go easy on you. I'll stick you into denial hell until you go stupid. No matter how much you ask for forgiveness, I don't care. Until you follow my every words, I'll severely drill you with non-stop stroking. I'll make you a lower creature than a toy.  Oh, scary.  But your dick is rock hard.  Stupid. Hey, go insane with denials. Onii-sama really loves denials, huh? It's that great?  For Shia-chan's sake, I'll also give you a chance to stop.  Here, it's the last spurt.  Nothing's gonna come out, though...  Climb with me to the top of nonsense ejacuation. Ria-chan also wants to see you go crazy when I make her stop. Well, show us the moment of your denial. Here it comes in 3, 2, 1... Stop. Allright, we stoooped. Hihihi, but but, looks like Ria-chan doesn't let you go. How cruel.  You told me to stop my hands.  The ear is completely different. Right onmiisama? nfufufu. How does it feel to be teased during your break? Nihihi, your dick gets no break at all. On the contrary, your dick is going desperate not to get any stimulus. But if we keps stroking you like this, you'll end up cumming. Well, but if she keeps this up, maybe you'll come by just ear teasing. We're quite efficient at this no-cum hell, right? Since there's no veto for you, onii-sama. Obviously. Cause you're our toy. It is pure bliss for a toy, to be played in any way by its master. And also, nhihi, your dick is overjoyed.  You're so happy that you dribble out clear juices.  I wonder if that's my drool going inside your ear, and out at the bottom.  What an interesting body. Well, did the orgasm recede by now? Then let's make you crazy again by stroking. Hmm? What?  Ohh noo, you had to go and say it?  Onii-chan, you're out. Don't be stupid now. You say you want to cum? But that's completely different from what you said before. I guess you're really stupid. You know that I'll punish you, right? A severe punishment, after some halfhearted denials. That's what's waiting for you. that fine by you? Well, let's hear it then. "Please break me, Shia-sama" Go on. Once you say it, there's no turning back anymore.  (Ria whisper to here)   Ahhh, you said it.  Hey, shia-chan, this is the end, right? Yep, it's all over now.  Okay, then let's give it all.  My present, mind melting pleasure at last. You disappoint me, Onii-sama. you're already obsolete. Hurry up and bring him down, ria-chan.  Look, the final strokes.  Let's etch the pleasure into your heart and body.  Here, here Ria-chan's giving you the final clincher. There's no way your miserable dick can honestly withstand this. And I won't make her stop anymore. Nhihihi, your head's flying already. Looks like you can't even comprehend that orgasm is at hand.  Feeling refreshed from cumming, and then feeling dispair is gonna be very interesting. Nihihi, you're so cruel Ria-chan. But I was thinking the same thing. I mean, at least the moment of orgasm is gonna feel incredibly good.  (From here Ria whispers)  I'll rape your dick and ear into a pulp.  Onii-sama, get ready for this.  (Intense ear licking 1 minutes, during lines) Hey hey, are you coming already? Onii-sama has no use anymore. I can't play with you anymore, if you're melting this badly. So let's break and throw you away.  What does she mean by throwing you away?  Who cares, it doesn't matter anymore. Hey, maso. YOur orgasm's getting close. You can't escape us anymore. Just be obedient and cum for us. Overflowing with cum like and idiot is sure gonna be fun, right?  Yes, come on now.  You have our permission.  So enjoy yourself and cum as we order.  (Blowing)  (Ria whisper to here)  Here, cum, cum, cum Let it out, nihihi. Oniisama sure can cum, huuh?  Onii-sama, are you still cumming?  Well, let us abuse you.  How fitting foru you, spitting out semen like an idiot for younger girls.  Nhihihi, let's brandmark this toy.  Pervert Pervert  Pervert Pervert  Pervert Pervert   PervertPervertPervertPervert   Maso!  This is your limit?  Semen going pyuupyuuu~ Pee while we observe you.  Orgasm. Orgasm.  Imagine your orgasm. Your broken head after coming, soo goood.  Pyupyuuuuu Gushgush  Pyu pyu Pyurururur  Dribble Dripdrip  You can almost taste it. Forced and without mercy.  Lose to girls. Succumb to girls.  Ria-sama and Shia-sama.   Cum while we bully you.   Come oon, fin-al-stretch.   Orgasm, will you, pervert!  Let it out Look how much he saved up.   giggle giggle   Ahh, so embarassing.  Here, let it all out, don't hold back.  In the meantime, we'll make sure to observe oniisama's face. His face is twitching just like his semen spewing out. Hee, so interesting.  A very fun exhibition. A perfectly good toy.  Well, is he done coming? Looks like he's done for. Yes, and now our fun game is over. And after this... nihihi.  Onii-sama, you remember Shia-chan's promise?  Nhihi, well, I'll leave you two have your fun now.  Good bye, onii-sama. Thank you, ria-chan. Onii-sama, now it's just the two of us, huh? Nhihihihihi

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