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もうこれダメだね せっかくお気に入りになりそうだったのに  おもちゃは壊れるものよ  仕方ないわ もっといじめたいなー  そうね、結構楽しいものね 今日もお兄様で遊ぼっか?  ええ、耳舐めでたっぷり遊ばせてもらいましょう 今日はこの遊び、何日目だっけ? もう覚えてないね  射精はさせずに耳舐めだけのお遊び  おちんちんは絶対に触ってあげない危険なゲーム 今日も耳をペロペロするとおちんちんがすぐカチカチになるんだよね  たっぷり焦らしているもの、もう直接脳みそに快楽を流し込んでいる感じかしら (詩亜、璃亜ともにここからささやき) じゃあ、私はこっち  なら、私はこっち   (耳に息吹きかけ)   今日は射精したい? にひひ  んふふ (耳舐め1分、時々にひひと笑う)  (耳舐め1分、時々んふふと笑う) お兄様気持ちいい? どう?この逃げられない快楽  可哀想なお兄様  でも快楽は徹底的に流し込むけど   (耳に息吹きかけ) 耳をペロペロされておちんちん気持ちいいね?  私たちに責められて幸せね   しあわせ (少し強い耳舐め1分、時々にひひと笑う、時々息吹きかけ)  (少し強い耳舐め1分、時々んふふと笑う、時々息吹きかけ)  んふふ、おちんちんから透明なお汁出ているわね にひひ、おちんちん触って欲しそう   だーめ にひひ  んふふ おあずけ  徹底的にじらしてあげる (少し強い耳舐め40秒、時々意地悪く笑う、時々息吹きかけ)  (少し強い耳舐め40秒、時々意地悪く笑う、時々息吹きかけ) ああ、切なそう 透明なお汁が止まんない  耳を犯されただけでこの有様  やっぱり面白い体 ねぇ、射精したい?  射精したいわよね? 璃亜ちゃん、お兄様射精したいって  詩亜ちゃん、どうしようかしら?   にひひ   (んふふ)   まだ、だーめ (強い耳舐め1分、時々ばーかと言って笑う)  (強い耳舐め1分、時々ばーかと言って笑う)  金玉の中、煮えたぎってきたかしら?  もうどろどろのはずよね 馬鹿みたいに射精をおあずけにしてたから当たり前だね もう射精しか考えらんない生き物になっちゃってるよ  でも、この遊び面白いからくせになってしまったわね  男の人から射精を取り上げるのは楽しいわ ほら、お兄様まだまだいくよ?  もしかしたら射精させてもらえるかも知れないわよ?   がんばれ (強い耳舐め45秒、がんばれと言って笑う)  (強い耳舐め45秒、がんばれと言って笑う) お兄様、射精を私たちに奪われて惨めだね?  お兄様、射精を私たちに取り上げられて恥ずかしいわね?   ばーか みた?  みたわ 変態おちんちん、跳ねた  左右から同時に言葉で責められて疼いているわ 金玉きゅんきゅん  おちんちんうずうず きゅんきゅん  うずうず   止まらない、でも射精できない (強い耳舐め45秒、時々うずうず、きゅんきゅんと囁く)  (強い耳舐め45秒、時々うずうず、きゅんきゅんと囁く)  ねぇ、この耳責め、残酷すぎるかしら?  でも、おもちゃだから遊んでもらえるだけでも感謝しないと ありがとうございますで心が満たされてくね 変態のマゾにはご褒美  そうでしょう?変態 そうなんだよね?変態   変態、変態、ばーか   くすくすくすくすくすくす (激しい耳舐め1分、時々んー?とねっとり観察)  (激しい耳舐め1分、時々んー?とねっとり観察) おちんちん、もうやばそう ほんとに耳責めだけでおもらししそう  お兄様の体、調教しすぎておかしくなったのかしら?  もう普通には戻れないわね   可哀想 (激しい耳舐め45秒、時々射精はだめと優しく叱る)  (激しい耳舐め45秒、時々射精はだめと優しく叱る)  お兄様、限界ね 射精を無慈悲に管理されて馬鹿になった  寸止めどころか触っても貰えない地獄だもの でも、このままじゃおもらし確定だよ  指先で弾くだけで漏らすわね それどころか息を吹きかけただけで溢れ出しちゃうよ  なら、どうしましょう? 決まってるよ   惨めに射精  させてあげましょう? させよっか? にひひ  んふふ ねぇ、お兄様、今から射精させるね とっても惨めな方法で、ね  使うのは私たちの足裏  合図したら左右から片足ずつ差し出しておちんちん挟んであげるわ  同時に左右から足でサンドイッチ 亀頭の先から根元まで全部足裏で包んであげる 手を合わせるみたいにね 私たちの足裏の感触をたっぷり楽しめるよ?  おもいっきり挟み込んだりはしないわ 優しくぺちって合わせるだけ  そんなので射精、しかも足で お兄様にぴったり  足裏でできた穴をおまんこだと思っていっぱい出していいわよ? 足を汚い精液で汚していいよ?   でも、それ、すごく恥ずかしいけど じゃあ、とどめ  射精の寸前まで行こうね (えぐい耳舐め30秒)  (えぐい耳舐め30秒) もういく?  もうだす? いってる間耳舐めで追い討ちかけるから  一滴残らず私たちに捧げなさい 足裏、スタンバイ  おちんちんをロックオン 足裏サンドイッチ  召し上がれ?   せーっの   足裏で射精してね、お兄様、えい   ・・・んんんんんん(射精を感じながら耳舐め) (えぐい耳舐め30秒、時々んん、と精液の熱さを感じたろあざわらったりしながら)  (えぐい耳舐め30秒、時々んん、と精液の熱さを感じたりあざわらったりしながら) んぷ、はぁ  ぷはぁ たっぷり出したね  足がどろどろ、精液まみれね しかもすごい臭い  湯気も立ってる あ・・・お兄様、意識飛んでる  優しく足裏で挟まれただけなのに にひひ  んふふ   にひひひひひひ   (んふふふふふふ) お兄様はほんとに面白いおもちゃ  手放したくないわね 璃亜ちゃん  詩亜ちゃん にひひ  んふふ   ねぇ、お兄様   一生私たちが遊んであげる

Ear licking by the twins

Aw, this is useless. And this one was beginning to become my favorite toy.  Toys easily break after all.  Nothing that can be done about. But I wanna bully it some more.  Yeah, this one sure was tons of fun. So let's play with oniisama again today?  Yeah, let's play lots with him with ear licking. That again? After how many days? I don't really know anymore.  We did so much ear licking play without letting him cum once.  If we touched his dick at this rate, it could get dangerous. If we make his ears all wet today again, his dick will get twitchy in no time.  He's so desperate by now, I wonder if the pleasure will flow directly into his brain. (From here, Shia and Ria both whisper) Well, here I am.  Then, here I am.   (Blows into ear)   Do you wanna cum today? Nihihi.  Nfufu. (1 minute ear licking, sometimes laughing Nihihi)  (1 minute ear licking, sometimes laughing Nfufufu) Oniisama, you feeling good? How is it? This unescapable pleasure?  You poor oniisama.  So overwashed with pleasure.   (Blow into ear) Does your dick feel good from our ear lickylicky?  Our teasing is bliss to you.   So happy. (A bit strong ear licking 1 minute, sometimes blows and laughs "nhihi)  (A bit strong ear licking 1 minute, sometimes blows and laughs "nfufu)  Nfufu, something clear is coming out from the dick. Nihihi, your dick craves to be touched.   Nooope. Nihihi  Nfufu You're in our custody.  With thorough and complete teasing. (A bit strong ear licking 40 seconds, sometimes blows and laughs mean)  (A bit strong ear licking 40 seconds, sometimes blows and laughs mean) Ahh, it's soo saad. The clear juice doesn't stop flowing.  What a plight to be single-handedly ear raped.  This body sure is interesting after all. Hey, you want to ejaculate?  I believe you want to. Ria-chan, oniisama said he wants to cum.  Shia-chan, what ever should we do?   Nihihi   (Nfufu)   Again: Nooope. (Strong ear licking 1 minute, sometimes says "baka" and laughs)  (Strong ear licking 1 minute, sometimes says "baka" and laughs)  I wonder, inside your balls it must be boiling hot.  By now, it sure must be thick and gooey. We kept this idiot from cumming for so long, so it's only natural. You've already become an animal creature with nothing but orgasm on his mind.  That's what you've become, even though playing with us is so amusing.  Taking a man's orgasm away is so much fun. You hear, oniisama? Are you gonna cum soon?  If so, maybe we will finally let you go off? Who knows?   Good luck. (Strong ear licking 45 seconds, sometimes says "baka" and laughs)  (Strong ear licking 45 seconds, sometimes says "baka" and laughs) Onii-sama, are you sad that we snatched away your orgasm?  Onii-sama, are you ashamed that we took away your orgasm?   You dummy. See that?  I saw. This pervy dick just jumped up.  Just as we bullied him verbally from both sides, it began to throb. Thighty tighty balls.  Itchy itchy dick. Tighty tighty.  Itchy itchy.   Nonstop, but you can't cum. (Strong ear licking 45 seconds, sometimes whispers "tighty tighty" and "itchy itchy")  (Strong ear licking 45 seconds, sometimes whispers "tighty tighty" and "itchy itchy")  Say, this ear tease sure is hardcore cruel?  But you should be thankful that we even play with this toy. Expel the graditude from your heart. And maybe this maso pervert will get a reward.  Isn't that right? You pervert. That's how it is. You pervert.   Pervert, pervert, duuuummy!   giggle giggle (Intense ear licking 1 minute, sometimes says "Nnnnhh~?" under sticky observation)  (Intense ear licking 1 minute, sometimes says "Nnnnhh~?" under sticky observation) This dick's too delicate already. He'll honestly pee from ear abuse alone.  You think oniisama's body went insane from too much training.  Now you can't revert back to normal again.   You poor thing. (Intense ear licking 45 seconds, sometimes kindly scolds you "You can't cum")  (Intense ear licking 45 seconds, sometimes kindly scolds you "You can't cum")  Onii-sama's at his very limit. This merciless ejculation control made a total fool out of him.  A prisoner of hell, never touching, only edging. But if this goes on, he's truly going to pee.  He could leak with just a snip of our fingers. On the other hand, our mere blowing made him overflowing.  So, what should we do? It is settled.   His wretched orgasm.  That's what we'll give him. Should we really? Nihihi.  Nfufu. Hey, Onii-sama, you are going to cum now. In the most miserable way.  We're going to make use of our footsoles.  When we give you the signal, you will submit your dick inbetween each of our feet.  At that time, we're going to sandwich you with our feet from left and right. From the head to the root, we're going to fully tuck it in with our footsoles. Very much like a hand. Make sure to enjoy the feel of our footsoles a plenty.  Don't plug it in with all your strength, you hear? Give it a firm but gentle grasp.  And with that you will but, just with our feet. Just perfect for oniisama.  It's allright, just think of our foot hole as a pussy and let it all come out. Isn't it nice, you'll get to soil our feet with your filthy semen.   However, you'll die of shame. Now, here's the clincher.  Let's keep him at the verge of orgasm. (Cruel ear licking 30 seconds)  (Cruel ear licking 30 seconds) Ready to cum now?  Going to orgasm now? Once you do, we'll give you the killing ear blow.  Dedicate your every last drop to us. Feet, standing by.  Dick locked on. Footsole sandwich.  Bon appetite.   Leeet's goooo!   Cum in our feet, oniisama! NOW!   ...mmmmhhhh~ (Ear licking while feeling ejaculation) (Cruel ear licking 30 seconds, moans "nnhh" and sneers while feeling the hot cum)  (Cruel ear licking 30 seconds, moans "nnhh" and sneers while feeling the hot cum) Nphu, haah  Phuaah. That sure was a lot.  My foot's all mushy, smeared with cum. What an amazing smell.  It's even steaming. Ah... oniisama, he lost consciousness.  Just from our gentle feet. Nihihi.  Nfufu.   Hihihi Nhihihi   (Nufufufufufu) Onii-sama sure is a great toy.  I never wanna let him go. Ria-chan.  Shia-chan. Nihihi.  Nfufu.   Hey, Onii-sama.   We will play with you for as long as you live.

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