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06:00 ふあぁぁ~おはよう、朝6時だね。元からだけど、寝ぼけた顔しちゃってるよ?顔洗ってきたら?あたしは眠気覚ましに走ってこようかなー。 07:00 おはよう、朝7時だよ。午前中しっかり動けるように朝ごはんちゃんと食べないとダメだからね。 08:00 おはようー!朝の8時だよ。今日も一日頑張っていこうか。怠けてしまって、後で後悔なんかしたくないからね! 09:00 9時だよ。面倒な事が溜まっていたら、考える前にやってしまえばいいよ。そして片付いたらすっきり忘れる。これが大事❤ 10:00 10時だよ。人間が面倒って感じるのはね「ホメオスタシス」って防衛本能があるからなんだって。自分が変わってしまいそうになるのを本能が防ぐかららしいよ。 だから、色んな事に面倒って思うのは当然なんだし、本能に負けずに頑張ろうね。 11:00 11時だよ。あと1時間でお昼だね。もうひと踏ん張りしたらご褒美に美味しい物食べようね❤ 12:00 12時だよ。よっしゃー!めっちゃ食べるよー!白いご飯を思い切りかきこんでこよっ! 13:00 1時だよ・・・うぐふ、食べ過ぎた・・。それになんだか眠気がぁ・・すやすや 14:00 ふぁ、2時だよ・・ちょっと寝てたわ。いやーしかし夢の中ではお盛んだったねぇ❤あんたを10回くらい搾ったところで目がさめちゃったけど・・もっとしてほしかった? 15:00 3時だよ。一息ついて休憩しようか。休憩は大事だからね。ぼーっとして脳みそ休めてあげようね。 16:00 4時だよ。もうひと踏ん張り、頑張ろうか。気合いいれていこう! 17:00 5時だよ。大体今日やる事は片付いたかな?明日後悔しないようにしておこうね❤ 18:00 6時だよ。そろそろ夕飯何にするか決めようかなぁ。中華な気分でもあるし、和食な気分でもあるし、アメリカンな気分でもある・・・じゅるじゅる。 19:00 7時だよ。よーし夕飯食べるよぉ!思い切り肉にかぶりつきたいなぁ! 20:00 8時だよ。はー、お風呂気持ちよかったぁ❤ コーヒー牛乳飲もっと。 21:00 9時だよ。夜は自分の時間、やりたいことをとことんやっていこうね! 22:00 10時だよ。「努力は夢中に勝てない。」いい言葉だよね。好きな事は心から楽しんでいこうね。 23:00 11時だよ。はぁ・・宿題が進まない・・宿題は楽しくないよ。気晴らしに川沿い走ってくるかなぁ。 24:00 ぜぇぜぇ!!・・びっくりしたぁ!全裸で首輪つけた男の子が川沿いの公園歩いてたよ。夜は変態が多くて怖いね。・・・・・・今度あんたにもやらせてみようかな?❤ 01:00 ふあぁ~あ。もう一時かぁ。パソコン切ってそろそろねようかな・・・あ、この貞操帯あんたに似合いそう。ぽちっと。 02:00 2時だね。あ、へぇーこうやって玉を潰す道具もあるんだぁ。ふーん。・・ああさすがに潰し切ったりしないから安心してね❤ちょっと潰すだけ❤ぽちっ。 03:00 3時だよ。ネット漁ってるとさ、射精管理されてる人が結構いるってわかるんだよね。いじめられたがりの男が多いなんて・・嘆かわしい世の中だよぐふふ❤ 04:00 4時だよ。あーなんかあんたの事いじめたくなってきちゃった。今すぐ全裸になってあたしんちに来てくんない?途中コンビニでパン買ってきてね。・・・・うそだよ❤ 05:00 5時だよ。はぁああ。・・・あんたが横に居たら今すぐ色んな道具使ってねちねちいじめてやるのにね・・それは次会った時のお楽しみだね。

Time Announcement

6:00: Yawwn~ G'morning, it's 6 AM. It's still early, but your face sure looks sleepy, huh? Let's wash the face. I guess I'll run a bit to keep myself awake. 7:00: Good morning, it's 7 AM. To get a proper start in the morning, make sure to eat up your breakfast, k? 8:00: Morning! It's 8 AM. Let's do our best again, today and everyday. Cause when you laze off, you'll regret it afterwards. 9:00: It's 9 AM. When things looks difficult, it's better to think before you act. And once everything's in order again, forget about it. That's really important ❤ 10:00: It's 10 AM. When people feel that they're in trouble, they put up with "homeostasis" as a defense mechanism. When you feel yourself changing, it seems that you instinctively defend against it. So it's only natural to think of many things as troublesome, but you have to work hard not to give in to instinct. 11:00: It's 11 AM. Just one more hour to lunch break. Just hold out a bit longer, and your reward will be a delicious meal ❤ 12:00: It's 12 AM. Yeahh! Let's dig in! Scoop up that white rice with all might! 13:00: 1 PM... *urghh* I ate too much... And how come I'm so sleepy...? Nighty night... 14:00: Phew, it's 2 PM... I had a little nap. But anyway, I had a really lively dream ❤ You lasted at least 10 rounds, but then I woke up... I wanted to do it some more. 15:00: It's 3 PM. Let's take a little breather. Breaks are important, y'know. You can give your brain some rest by just dozing off. 16:00: It's 4 PM. Just a bit more, hang in there. With full fighting spirit! 17:00: It's 5 PM. Has your day been right and orderly? Take care of your stuff, so you don't regret it tomorrow ❤ 18:00: It's 6 PM. Have you decided what to eat for dinner? Maybe you're in the mood for Chinese food, or Japanese, or American... drool... 19:00: It's 7 PM. Alright, dinner time! Let's chow down that meat in one gulp! 20:00: It's 8 PM. Haa, that bath felt nice... ❤ Now for some coffee with milk. 21:00: It's 9 PM. The evening is you time, when you can do what you want! 22:00: It's 10 PM. "Can't make your dreams without great effort" That's a nice saying. Enjoy the things you love with all your heart. 23:00: It's 11 PM. Haah... homework just doesn't proceed... homework's no fun. Maybe I can distract myself by taking a walk on the riverside. 24:00: *pant pant!* ...oh my gosh! A naked boy wearing a collar took a walk on the riverside in the park. Those perverts at night sure are scary. ...I wonder if I should try that with you some time.❤ 1:00: Yawwn~ One o' clock already. Time to shut off my PC and go to sleep... ah, that chastity belt here would totally suit you. With a snap. 2:00: 2 AM, huh. Ohooo, there's even tools for testicle crushing, huh? Hmmmn... ...ah no, don't worry, I won't crush them for real ❤ Just a bit ❤ With a snap. 3:00: It's 3 AM. I searched around the web, and found out that a great lot of people put themselves under orgasm control. To think that so many men like to be bullied... such a sad and wretched world we live in, geheheh ❤ 4:00: It's 4 AM. Ahh, somehow I wanna bully you, right now. Can't you get naked and come over to my house, like right now? And buy some bread from the store while you're at it?... Nah, just kidding ❤ 5:00: It's 5 AM. Ho dear... ...if you were lying here right now, I'd use lots of cool toys to tease and bully you on the spot... maybe next time, then we'll have some fun.

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