Track 8

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16時だよ。 おやつは美味しかった? もしかしたら、ちょっと物足りなかったかな? これからもう一度おやつの時間を上げる。 服を着てるなら脱いで ガニ股でその場に立ちなさい? 立てたかしら? おちんぽに触れる許可を上げるから 寸止めオナニー始めなさいね。 オナニーに使ってない方の手は頭の後ろに回して その汚い脇も晒すんだよ。 ちゃんとできた? さて、次のおかずはね・・・「あんた自身」だよ。 ここまであんた・・何してきたっけ? 男として終わってる行為たくさんしてきたよね? あたしに命令されて、全身全霊でマゾ行為に浸ってたよね? それを全部思い出して、おやつにしてもらうよ❤ すぐそばに、お昼に作ったマゾの証もあるよね? それも目につくところに置いておきなさいね。 精子出さないように気を付けながら寸止めオナニーしてね。 あたしは客観的な立場から、あんたのこれまでの異常行動を説明して 思い出させてあげるからね。 じゃあいくよ。 今朝はまず・・・歯磨きして顔を洗って、髭を剃って髪を整えたね。 それだけならいたって健全な身だしなみの時間だけど あんたそのあと・・・おトイレでチンコ触りだしたよね? なにやってるの?(笑) 頭は清潔にしてたのに、やってることが汚すぎるんだけど。 おトイレはオナニーする場所じゃないの。 朝から盛りすぎなんだよ変態! それに器用なことにさ 便器へ透明な液体だけ出してたよね? 普通のオナニーじゃなくて寸止めオナニーが好きなんだ? それって気持ちいい時間が持続するから好きなの? チンコをずっと気持ちよくして楽しみたいの? それってさ、快楽が大好きな「淫乱」って奴だよね・・男なのになにそれ、気持ち悪いよ。 それからあんた、なんか踊ってたよね。 全裸でさぁ・・チンコしごきながら・・・。 あれって準備体操じゃないの?なにオナニーしながら踊ってるの? チンコ必死になってしごいて、イキそうになったら手をとめて。 ・・・寸止めオナニー本当好きなんだね? チンコの先から漏らしながら踊ってて、 興奮して感じながら踊ってたのばればれだったよ? 朝から全裸で準備体操して、精液漏らして、オナニーに浸ってる・・・ あんた相当狂ってるね。 あとさぁ、乳首いじくってたよね? 正確には乳首の周りだったけど・・・なにあれ? 男の人ってそんな事しないよね? 女性と違って胸で感じられないんじゃないの? 一人で乳首の周りをゆっくり撫でてさ、 じわじわ感度あげようとしてんの(笑) 気持ち悪いんだよね、男の人がそういうことしてるとさ! そんなに気持ちいいことが好きなの? チンコだけじゃなくて乳首でも感じるようになりたいの? もしかして乳首だけで射精できるようになってみたいとか? もうそれ・・・男でも女でもないよね。 人間じゃない、気色悪い生物だよ・・・それが・・マゾってやつなのかなぁ? 最後にだけど・・・ あんた今なにやってるの? 裸で股と脇開いて寸止めオナニーしてるの? それをあたしに見られて・・恥ずかしくないの? そんな姿、いつも誰かに晒してるわけじゃないんでしょ? あたしになら見られてもいいとか思った? さすがにあたしでもね 男の人がそんな恥ずかしい格好して感じて 体液でぐちゃぐちゃになってるチンコ晒されるとね。 引いちゃうんだよね。 どれだけ自分が気色悪いか。 快感を貪るために、どこまで人間捨てちゃってるか。 もう一度よく自覚してよね。 ・・・はい❤ 寸止めオナニー止めて。 手をおちんぽから離してね。 姿勢も楽にしていいよ。 どうだった?自分をおやつにしてみた感想は❤ 恥ずかしくて死んじゃいそう? それとも・・・興奮して一杯おもらししちゃった? 喜んでいいよ。 射精管理はまだ続くから、もっともっと恥ずかしい自分を晒せるからね❤ いいんだよ。 恥ずかしい事いっぱいしてる自分を受け入れよう? 情けない自分を受け入れれば受け入れるほど、気持ちよくなっちゃう。 それがマゾだよ。 恥ずかしい自分を受け入れて、愛してあげようね❤ あたしも、そんなどうしようもないあんたを・・・愛してあげる❤ それじゃあ次の時間にまた会おうね。 ばいばいドMさん❤

Self Snacktime (4PM)

Now it's 4PM. Did you have a tasty snack? Or maybe it wasn't enough? Because I'm giving you another snack time. Now take off your clothes and stand on bandy legged on the spot. Are you standing? You have my permission to fap now so start edging yourself. Put your other hand behind your head and expose your dirty armpit. Are you done? Now, your next fap material is... "you". What have you been doing... up until now? Things that no man would ever do, right? With my orders, you've immersed your body and soul in masochistic acts. Your snack will be, to remember all of that ❤ Right near you is the evidence, which you made around lunchtime. You even put it in a conspicuous place. Carefully edge fap yourself without spilling any sperm, okay? I'll now explain form an objective standpoints the abnormal acts you've done, and make you remember them. Here we go, then. Morning first... you've brushed your teeth, washed your face, combed your hair and trimmed your beard. That itself sounds like healthy grooming, but then you... touched your dick on the toilet? Why'd you do what? (lol) Even though you kept your head so clean, you did something so dirty. The toilet is no place to masturbate. You're way too horny in the morning, pervert! And what for even, just to drip a few clear drops into the bowl? It wasn't regular masturbation. You love to edge fap. You love keeping the good-feels time longer, right? You enjoy keeping your dick in pleasure forever? That is what you'd call a pleasure loving, "lewd" that is... and for a guy on top of it, that's disgusting. And after that, what did you dance around? You were all naked... and stroked your dick... Is that what you call warm up gymnastics? That's more like a masturbation dance. You desperately fapped off, and then stopped your hands when you were about to come. must really love edge fapping a lot. Then you danced around with your dripping cock, so it's obvious that you were dancing horny. Since early morning, you did gymnastics in your birthday suit, dribbled precum and fapped your ass off... That's as nuts as you are. And then uh, you played with your nipples? To be precise, you only touched around your nipples... what for? Men don't do stuff like that. You've got different breasts than women, so you should feel nothing at all. Just slowly rubbing your breasts all by yourself, as if gradually trying to up your sensitivity (lol) You're disgusting. And you call yourself a man?! Do you really like feeling good like that? Your dick is not enough for you, you also wanna feel the nipples? Maybe you wanna even cum from just your nipples? Really... that's neither man or woman anymore. That's not even human! That's... a disgusting creature... a, a masochist, right? And lastly... What're you doing right now? You're edge fapping with exposed crotch and armpits. To be seen like this... don't you have any shame? There's no way you could ever show yourself like this to anyone. So why do you think I'm okay with seeing this? But this is really you. A guy who's turned on in this embarrassing pose, while exposing your dick that's sploshing bodily fluids everywhere. I don't wanna come near you. Everything about you is just creepy. You'd throw away your humanity just to indulge in pleasure. You better come to grips with that. ...good ❤ Stop edge fapping. Put your hands away from your dick. You can relax your posture now. How was it? How your impression of yourself as a snack? ❤ Did you almost die of shame? Or did you... get so horny that you leaked? You should feel delighted. Orgasm control is still going on for a while, that means you can expose even more of your shameful self ❤ So nice. Just accept all those shameful things. The more you accept your pathetic, shameful self, the better it will feel. That is what masochism is. Accept your shame, and I will give you love ❤ I'm going to... love your completely helpless self ❤ Now, until the next time we meet. Bye bye, Mr. Super-M ❤

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