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当亭では個室ごとに露天風呂をご用意させていただいております こちらのふすまの先に… うふふ、素晴らしい景色でしょう? みなさん最初は目を見張られます 山の中腹に位置する癒湯月亭はその名に恥じず、 個室露天風呂と、そこから見える極上の月… それらをもって、最高級の癒しを、 ご来亭いただいたお客様にご提供させていただいております ですが、その前に… ここに来られるまでにお疲れになりましたでしょう? 手揉みマッサージをいたしますので、布団に横になってくださいませ そう、うつぶせに… ありがとうございます では、足のほうから順に、失礼いたします… やはり硬くなってますね… このような辺鄙なところで申し訳なく思います 帰りは下りばかりですので、幾分マシだとは思いますが… 加減のほうはいかがでしょうか? もし痛くなったら遠慮なくお申し付けくださいませ …ふふっ、こうしているとまるで、仕事から帰ってきた夫を癒す妻のようですね そうですね、せっかく恋人コースなのですから… あなた、と呼ばせていただきます 恋人というよりは、夫婦みたいですが…うふふ♪ そろそろ、足から上に…腰のあたりをマッサージいたしますね 念のため申し上げておきますと、癒湯月亭で働く女性に伴侶や恋人は存在しません それは恋人コースの価値が薄らいでしまうからです ですので、わたくしにもいません 今は本当に、あなただけの恋人なのです 腰のマッサージ加減はどうですか? マッサージ自体は得意ですし、好きなのですが…こと腰となると慎重になります 人間にとって、大事な大事な場所… 丁寧に、丁寧に…筋肉をほぐしてさしあげますね ここの存在を知り、癒されにくる人達… わざわざこのようなところまで足を運んでくれるお客様… 大きな広告を打たず、知る人ぞ知る温泉宿だからこそ、 究極の癒しを追求し、恋人コースを設置しました たった一日限りの恋人だとしても、 できうる限りの癒しを提供し、笑顔のままお帰りいただく… あなたにも必ず、ここにきてよかった、また来たい、と言わせてみせますよ、うふふ♪ だいぶほぐれてきましたね、腰はこのくらいで… 次は肩ですが、ちょっと身体を起こして座ってもらえますでしょうか? …ありがとうございます では失礼して…前から、揉ませていただきますね 意外ですか? 後ろからするのが一般的ですが、前からする方法もあるのですよ ん…あぁ、結構凝ってますね… ここもしっかりマッサージして、凝りをほぐしておかないと… 胸の筋肉や肩の前側が凝ってくると猫背がひどくなってしまいます 前から揉みこむことで、身体を後ろ側に逸らしながらマッサージができますの 後ろからですと、前に前に押し込んでしまいがちですからね もちろん肩こりの度合いや体型などで効き目に個人差はありますが… ふふ、そのご様子ですとなかなか良い具合のようですね …あら? どこを見てらっしゃるのですか? 冗談ですよ♪ 健全な男の子、膨らんだ胸が目の前にあれば見てしまうのは道理 目の保養も大切な癒しです 恋人なのですから、どうぞ遠慮なく… 匂いも、きになりますか? ここの温泉の香りですよ、肌や髪の毛に染み付いてるんです どうぞ、いくらでもお嗅ぎになってください… ふふっ、息があたってくすぐったい…♪ いい香りでしょう? 個人的にはアロマグッズなどよりも滋養効果が高い香りだと思ってます その温泉に毎日浸かれる… ここで働く者の最大限の特権ですわね 結構ほぐれてきましたね これくらいにしておきましょうか 旅の疲れは、少しは癒えましたでしょうか? 夜はまだまだこれから…楽しみになさってくださいね

2. Full-body massage

We offer a private open-air bath in each room. This way please, it's just ahead of this sliding door. Ehehe. Isn't this scenery beautiful? Everyone who sees this for their first time are always left awestruck. The Healing Moon Resort is situated on the side of the mountain, and as our name implies, we offer private open-air baths with the finest view of the moon. With those as our foundation, we strive to give our precious customers the finest alleviation possible. But before we get to that, Your journey here must have been exhausting, yes? I shall give you a massage. Please lie down on the bed. Yes, face-down, just like that. Thank you very much. Well then, I shall begin with your legs. Please excuse me. Ah, as expected, it’s become really stiff. I'm sorry that you had to travel all the way to such a remote place. Though, your way back is mostly downhill, and should be relatively undemanding... How is the massage? If it starts to hurt please do not hesitate to say so. Ehehe. Massaging you like this makes me feel like a housewife healing her husband, whom had just returned from work. It's the "lover course," after all...May I call you... "dear"? Hehe. Well, rather than lovers, we're more like a married couple, I think? Ehehehe. I shall slowly move upwards and start massaging your hip. Ah, just to clarify, all the women working at this resort do not possess a partner or lover of the sorts. If we do, then our "lover course" would be a mere sham, after all. That means, of course, neither do I. As of this moment, I am yours, and only yours. How is the hip massage? When it comes to massages, I'm pretty skilled at them, and I really like giving them, but... I have to be really careful towards the waist area. The waist is a delicate and important spot for everyone, so I shall carefully... and thoroughly relax your muscles, okay? The people who knows about this establishment are people seeking to be healed... ...they came all the way to remote place such as this. They came to learn of our existence through hearsays, rather than through big, flashy advertisements. And thus, we offer our "lover course" to these people to provide the ultimate relaxation they seek." Even if it is just one day, we try our best to heal our customers so that they may return home with a smile. By the time you go home, I'll be sure to make you say "I'm glad I came here. I want to come here again someday." Ehehe. It seems like your muscles have relaxed quite well. That's it for hip massage then. Next will be your shoulders. Excuse me, but could you please sit up for me? Thank you very much. Then I shall start massaging you from the front. Did you find that... surprising? Most start with the back, but there are some methods that can only be done from the front. Nnnh, It's pretty stiff, huh... I shall thoroughly massage you here as well to relax your muscles. If your chest's muscle and front shoulder got stiff, it will be bad for your posture. If I do it like this, I can massage you while you lean backwards. If I do it from behind, I'll just keep on pushing you forwards, after all. But, well... the effectiveness of this massage will vary from person to person. Ehehe, It seems like you quite like my massage. Oh my, where are you looking at? I'm just kidding♪ You're a man, after all. For a pair of ample breasts to be hanging in front of you, it's only natural to take a look. Giving the eyes something to indulge in is also a part of imparting relaxation. We're lovers now, after all. So please do not hesitate to... Do you like my fragrance as well? This is thanks to the hot spring's aroma. It seeps in to your hair and your skin. Please, don't hesitate to take a whiff or two. Ehehe, your breathing tickles! Smells good, right? Personally, I believe the aroma imparted to us by the hot spring is much more rejuvenating when compared to that of any man-made fragrances. To be able to soak in our hot spring every day... Wouldn't you say that is the greatest perk for our staff? It seems your stiffened muscles have relaxed considerably. I think this will be enough. Have I eased the fatigue from your trip, even just a little bit? The night is still young, let us indulge in ourselves some more, shall we?

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