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ここからは、普段の生活で溜まりに溜まったあなたの疲れを取り除きます さぁ、服をお脱ぎになって、一緒に温泉へ… 手伝ってさしあげますね 恥ずかしがらないで… 恋人なのですから、だいじょうぶ… はい、上は大丈夫ですね ふふっ、恥ずかしがりすぎですよ 次は下も…心配いりません 馬鹿にしたり、卑下したりは何があってもしませんから… ん…上手に脱げました♪ 隠すような身体ではありませんよ、自信をもってください では、失礼してわたくしも… あ、恥ずかしいのであまりジロジロ見ないでくださいね? うふふっ、冗談です でも、あまり自信はありませんので、ほどほどに… 男の人の前で裸になるなんて、やっぱり恥ずかしい… もう、あんまりジロジロ見ないでって言ったのに… では癒湯月亭自慢の露天風呂へご案内いたします お手をどうぞ… ん…ふ、うぅ…っ… いつも浸かるときに、溜め息が出てしまいます…♪ どうでしょうか? 身体の芯から温まる感覚…素敵でございましょう? でも、使ったすぐろしつした部分が寒いですから、肩をこちらに向けて下さいませ。 ありがとうごやいます。では失礼して、手ですくっとお湯を掛けさせていただきますね。 んふふ、気持よさそうな吐息。円了なさらず幾らでもお出しになって下さい。 聞いてるこっちまで肩の力が抜けてしまいますから。んふふ。 これくらいで…大丈夫でしょうか?徐々に足元から暖くなってくると思いますので。 では露天風呂の縁に背中を預けて、ここから見える夜景を一緒に楽しみましょう。 先ほど目の保養も大事といいましたが…ほら あんなに月が近くに…美しいですね… 見て、聞いて、感じて… 人間って、すごくたくさんのところから幸せを享受できるんですよね 忙しかったり、つらいことがあったり… そうしてどんどん、そんな簡単なことまでわからなくなっていく… 子供の頃はよかったのにな~っておっしゃる方、多いですよね? 子供の頃は逆に、早く大人になりたいって思ってたのに… ないものねだり、というんでしょうか? 今ないものを必死に追い求める…あなたにとって、それがココだったということですね 静かで、温かくて、月の光が当たって… わたくしは大好きです、ここが… あなたにとってもそうなるように、微力ながら寄り添わせていただきますね …ふふっ、きもち良い… 本当は、好きな人の人肌に勝る滋養なんて、ないんですよね でも、男女の関係って難しくて…そこまで仲良くなるのはとても大変 身体のつくりも違って、形成してる世界も違って… 女の子のほうが早く心が大人になって、男の子はついていけなくて… 性欲がもたげてくる頃って、男の子ってエッチなことばかり考えてるんでしょう? でも別に男の子が悪いわけじゃなくて、子供を作るように仕組まれてる… 女の子はそんなこと理解できず、男はエッチばかりと言う もっと学校とかでうまく教えてくれたらいいのにと思います できるのならとっくにやってると思いますけど わたくしはもういい大人ですので… 理解してますよ、あなたのその反応も… がんばって月ばかり見ちゃって… 大きくしてるの、知ってるんですから…♪ 恥ずかしがり屋なんですね それとも…わたくしの身体よりも、月のほうが魅力的かしら? うふふっ、冗談ですって♪ 申し訳ありません、年甲斐もなく… わかってはいるのですが、このまま寄り添わせてくださいね… ふぅ…温かくて、とろけそうです… ステキな時間…よくドラマとかで、このまま時間が止まってくれれば… って言ってますけど、本当にそう思います あなたの空気、すごく、心地いい…… なぜでしょう…とても、やすらぎます… ふふっ、演技だと思いますか? ご自由に想像なさってくださいね♪ 胸を押し当てちゃおうかしら…えいっ☆ あははっ、顔真っ赤ですよ~♪ おっぱいに惹かれるのは男として普通です ここにはたっぷりと母性が詰まってますもの 甘えてくださいね、わたくしの身体に… 恥ずかしがってばかりでは、もったいないですよ? ふふふ、そこがあなたのいいところでもあると思いますが… とっても、静か… 今は動物たちも昆虫たちも寝入ってるんですね 癒湯月亭は露天風呂を最大限に楽しんでいただくために、部屋と部屋の間隔があいております よほど大きな声を出さない限り、隣の声は漏れてこない… 静寂と自然を満喫できるのです 広い空に、丸いお月様… 眼下には森が広がって、空気も澄んで… ずーっと、癒湯月亭とこの土地がこのままであればと願います あなたのようなステキな方にも来ていただけますし 人と人との交流が減っていく中、良い人に巡り会うのは難しい… とても大切なことなのに、残念でなりません 出会いは財産です もちろん、ヘンな人に出会うこともありますが… 自分と人との、体温の違いを確認する… これだけでもう、心がとろけてしまうんですから… ん…のぼせてきてしまいましたか? そろそろ出ましょうか…願えば、また好きなときに入れますから お身体をタオルでお拭きしますので、少々お待ちを…… これくらいで大丈夫でしょうか? もし水滴が残ってるところがありましたら、申し訳ありませんがご自分で… その間に、こちらも別のタオルで軽く拭いてしまいますね お待たせしました…大丈夫ですか? そうしましたら、こちらに背を向けてくださいね ん……これで、よしっと…似合ってますよ、浴衣♪ では失礼して、わたくしも着てしまいますね 癒湯月亭自慢の露天風呂はお気に召しましたか? 日常生活の垢がたくさん取れたと思います

3. Going to the open-air bath, the two of us...

I shall now remove all the fatigue that accumulated from your daily activities. Well then, please remove your clothes. We'll enter the bath together. Let me help you. Please don't be shy. We're lovers after all. It'll be alright. Okay, I have removed your clothes. Ehehe, you're being quite bashful! Next up would be your undergarments... No need to worry. No matter what, I won't make fun of you or anything. You stripped it off nicely. Please be more confident about yourself, you have a nice figure. Well then, I shall undress myself as well... ...Ah, Please don't stare too much, okay? It’s a bit embarrassing. Ehehe, just kidding. But I'm not that confident about my body, so please don't stare too much. To get naked in front of a man is really embarrassing, after all. Jeez, and I told you not to stare too much! Then please let me show you the way towards our pride and joy, Healing Moon Resort’s open-air bath. Please hold my hand. Mm...Ah! Haaah! I can't help but let out a sigh every time I take a dip here. How are you enjoying yourself? It's quite nice, isn't it? The feeling of your body being warmed to the core. The parts of your body exposed to the air will get cold though, so please face your shoulders this way Thank you very much. Well, then please excuse me. I shall apply some warm water with my hand. Ehehe, That sigh sounded like it felt really good, huh? Don't hold back and let out as many sigh as you want Just by listening to your sighs, I can feel my shoulders also relaxing. Ehehe. I think this should be enough. By now, your body should be warming up, starting from your feet. Well then, please rest your back on the edge of the bath and let us enjoy the night's scenery from here. I said that indulging the eyes on a beautiful view is also important... See? Look at how close the moon is tonight. It's so pretty, right? Vision, hearing, and touch...Human is a creature that absorbs all sorts of happiness from various things, right? Being busy or going through hardships... ...It takes its toll on our bodies, and sometimes we forget the simple things in life that offers us joy. Many people reminisces how they have much easier times when they're younger, right? But when they were children, they would claim to want to become adults as soon as possible. Wanting something you can never have... Something like that, I guess? To be badly wanting something that currently not within your reach...For you, though, this place is all that you ever wanted, right? Serene, warm, and completely lit with moonlight... I love being here. So that you may feel the same as I do towards this place, I shall do my best to snuggle with you. Ehehe. It feels good. The truth is, there's nothing that appeases one’s mind better than naked cuddling with one’s beloved, right? But, the relationship between a man and woman is quite complicated...For them to become lovers, they must go through many trials. Their(referring to man and woman) bodies are made differently, and so were the environments they grew up in. Girl's heart and feelings matures way earlier than boys, and so they had to keep up with the girls. By the time their sexual desires awaken, boys would always constantly think of lewd things, right? But it's not like it's their fault. It's a mechanism imparted by nature to ensure that they left behind an offspring. Meanwhile, the girls, not being able to comprehend, saying that the boys are all nothing but perverted beasts. I think this kind of thing has to be taught in a more appropriate way in schools and such. But, if it was easy it would've been done since long ago. And well...I'm a mature woman. And I fully understand...Why you "react" in such a way. Ehehe. Even though you're trying your hardest to settle it down by looking at the moon, I can see that it only grew bigger and bigger♪ Ehehe. You're really shy, huh? Could it be that the moon is way more appealing to you than my body? Ehehe, I'm just kidding♪ I'm very sorry, I should be more aware of my age. I think you understand, but let us keep at it and get ourselves closer. Mm... Ah... It's so warm, it's like I'm going to melt. This moment is full of bliss... Like in dramas and the like, I wanted to say "If only time would stop..." And I... Honestly feel that way. Your presence feels so comfortable... I wonder why... I feel so at ease... Ehehe, do you think this was all an act or something? Please take it as you see fit♪ Should I perhaps shove my breasts against your chest...? There! Ahaha, your face is as red as a beet~♪ To be captivated by a woman's breast is a normal thing for a man. These are filled to the brim with motherly love, after all. Please indulge yourself in my body, okay? You'll miss out If you keep being bashful. Ehehe. Even though I do think that that bashfulness is one of your lovely sides as well. Ah...It's so serene... I wonder if all the animals and insects have already gone to sleep? To maximize our customer's enjoyment of our open bath, each room's bath is separated here. As long as you don't let out too loud of a voice, the other guests in the neighbouring room won't be able to hear you. That way, you can enjoy the natural serenity this place offers. The vast sky and the round moon... Below us, a sprawling forest, making the air here really fresh. I wish the land around the Healing Moon Resort stays the way it is forever. After all, it lets me meet wonderful people such as you. It's becoming harder to happen across a good person in your lifetime--due to the fact that we're interacting less and less with people nowadays. Even though it's really important, it's a real shame that it's not the way it used to be. Encounters are a form of investment. Of course, there are chances that you'd meet some weird people too, though... To feel the difference between your and another person's body temperature... Is enough to make my heart melt. Are you already feeling dizzy? Let's get out of the bath. You can always take a dip again whenever you want. Let me wipe your body with a towel, please excuse me for a bit... This will do, I think? If any part of your body's still wet, I'm very sorry, but could you please wipe it by yourself? In the meantime, I shall wipe my body with another towel. Thank you for the wait. Are you all set? If so, please face your back this way. Mh, With this, all set! The yukata looks really good on you. Please excuse me, I'll also be wearing mine, okay? Did you enjoy our pride and joy, the Healing Moon Resort's open-air bath? I believe it washed away all the sediments left behind by your daily life.

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