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とってもリラックスできてますね がんばったかいがありました 自然に深い息をするというのは意外と難しいんですよね ストレスや環境で簡単に乱れてしまいます ではこの勢いのまま、次のご奉仕に移らせていただきますね そろそろタオルも冷めてしまっている頃かと思いますが… 取ってしまう前に、消灯させていただきます 申し訳ありません、これからのことを思うと恥ずかしくって… タオル、取ってしまいますね おかえりなさい ふふっ、良い具合にふやけてますね♪ それでは失礼して、そちらの浴衣をはだけさせていただきます あら…もうこんなに勃起なさって… 仄かな明かりだけでも凛々しいのがわかります 耳でたくさん感じてましたものね、うふふっ♪ これはご奉仕のしがいがありそうです その前に…わたくしの浴衣もはだけてしまいますね 先ほど明るい状態で見られていたはずなのですが… 温泉に入るためではないので、やはり恥ずかしいですね 今回は癒湯月亭特製のマッサージオイルを使用します 当亭の温泉が混じった滋養効果の高いオイルです これで全身をハンドマッサージしていきますね 夜も更けてまいりましたので、 声を抑えるために、わたくしも横にならせていただきます じっとしててくださいね… どうでしょうか? とても肌触りが良いでしょう? これでマッサージされると、たちまち夢現(ゆめうつつ)… ですが、まだ始まったばかりです 夢で天国を見るより、現実で感じるほうが素敵ですから…うふふっ♪ さぁ、鎖骨のあたりから徐々に下へ… ゆっくりと手を滑らせていきますよ… なにがあっても、大きな声を出してはいけません 外を歩く者がいれば漏れてしまうやもしれませんから 静かに身悶えてくださいな…♪ わたくしはその様を、ここから存分に堪能させていただきます ゆっくりと、ゆっくりと… 手のひらを押し当てていたかと思えば、ふいに人差し指を滑らせて… あらあら、ビクンビクンなさって… 今までの行為で重々、あなたの感度が良いのは承知しておりますから… どうしてもイジワルしてみたくなります… 不快でしたら、どうぞ遠慮なくお申し付けくださいね ほぉら、人差し指が滑って… 乳首に触れそうで、触れない… もどかしく、艶かしく… 乳輪のあたりをぐーるぐる、ぐーるぐると… ふふっ、オイルがこすれてチュプチュプいってますわね… 卑猥な音は鳴っているのに、肝心な所には触れてもらえない… 触ってほしいですか? オチンチンのようにいやらしく勃起した、乳頭を… ダメです…まだ足りません もっともっと、美月のことを求めてください 女は敏感なのです あなたの発する細かな雰囲気すら感じ取ってしまうほどに… なので言葉ではなく、雰囲気で… 熱い想いで、わたくしの心を動かしてみてくださいませ それまでは、お・あ・ず・け…♪ 指をすすーっと、乳首から下へと流します …今度はお腹のあたりを… ぐーるぐる、ぐーるぐる、と…… 息、乱れてますね… せっかくさっき整えて差し上げたのに… 興奮してくると、出すまで落ち着かない… それが男ですものね ふふっ、かわいいおへそ… ちょうど、わたくしの人差し指が入るくらいかしら? ここで指を動かすと… くちゅっ、くちゅっと、卑猥な音が鮮明になります まるで交わっているかのようですね… わたくしの指が男性器で、あなたのおへそが女性器… 楽しいですね、攻めるほうというのは もっともっととなってしまいます うふふ、冗談ですよ ここよりも触ってほしいところが、近くにありますものね? 指をさらに下のほうへと滑らせていきます… あら? これはなにかしら? まるで草原のよう… ちょっとここで遊んでいこうかしら? この草のようなものを巻きつけて… くるくるー、くるくるーっと…うふふっ♪ あぁ、これは陰毛でした オチンチンの毛ですね、草原ではなくて 結構やわらかい… 癖になってしまいそうですね なにかそそり立つものがこの向こうにあるようですが… まだその時ではないので上のほうへと戻しちゃいますね ゆらゆら~…わたくしの指は自由奔放ですの 何にも縛られず、行きたいところへゆく… だから、このまま待ち焦がれている乳首に向かうのも自由なんです これ、かな…? ふぁっ! こ、こんなに固くしこらせてるなんて… 乳首って、こんなにいやらしくなるものなんですか…? ちょっとした発見ですね… ではまず、指の先で転がして… 声、漏れてますよ…抑えてくださいね はあぁ…、指先でクリクリしてるだけで、 身体がビクンビクン波打って…… では、手のひらでクリクリするのは… …あっ、これもいいんですね…? 本当に感じやすい身体… 触るだけでこんなに胸躍らせてくれるなんて… どうか恥ずかしがらず、もっと…素のあなたを見せてください 今はわたくしだけが見ています 彼女である、わたくしだけが… もう片方の乳首も触れてみますね… …固い…こんなに、かたくなるなんて… 指先で乳首の先っぽをカリカリするのはどうなのかしら? …あっ、とっても良い反応…♪ プックリしてるので、とっても弾きやすいですね えいっ、えいっ☆ …あら、わたくしったら… 若女将という立場でありながら、なんと子供っぽい… いいえ、あなたがわたくしを童心に還らせてくれているのです …ふふ、そういうことにしておいてくださいな 今度は摘ませてくださいね …つまみやすい…うふふっ、しこしこしてますね… はあぁ…両方の乳首がオイルでぬるぬるに… 空気がだいぶ濃密になってまいりました そろそろ…あなたの一番大事なところへ、手を伸ばして… 触れて、みますよ…? んっ、あぁ…っ! あっつい…っ、手が、やけどしてしまいそうですわ…♪ しごいて、ほしいですか…? とっても切なそうに、ドックン…ドックンと、脈打っております 申し訳ありません、しごきはしないです そのかわり…揉ませてくださいな この手に余る大きなオチンチンを掴みつつ、 きゅむ、きゅむっと、優しく揉んで差し上げます 一定のリズムで、力を少し入れたり、緩めたり… またキュッと握って、ゆるりと離したり… ふふっ、たったこれだけの動作でも、ヌチャヌチャと卑猥な音がここまで… この張り詰めたイチモツ、愛おしくて、しごいて差し上げたくなりますが… せっかく癒された身体が高ぶりすぎて、乱れてしまいかねません 癒されにきていただいたのですから、ごゆるりと… あなたの自然な吐息に合わせ、揉んだり、離したりを繰り返します スローセックスならぬ、スロー手コキ…とでもいいましょうか こいてもいませんけどね、うふふ♪ はあぁ…すべて、忘れて…あなたのことを、本当に、好きになってしまいそう… それも、いいのかもしれない…本当は、わたくしも… …いいえ、なんでもありません それよりも、先っぽからなにか垂れてきましたよ? 暗くてよく見えませんが…ぬるっとしてて… これ、オイルとは別の物ですよね? もしかして、カウパーでしょうか? どんどん溢れて、わたくしの手を、濡らして… うふふっ、このようなものまで愛おしいです 病気でしょうか? 恋の… わたくしの体温が、あなたの体温を求めて… あなたの出す全ての熱を、欲しているのかもしれませんね このままひとつに、溶けてしまいたい… 男の方はこのような表現、嫌がると思いますが はぁ…本当に、あたたかい… 抱きつきながら、手でプニプニしてるだけで、心が安らぎます… 温泉と、マッサージオイルと、カウパーの匂いが交じり合って、 濃密に鼻腔をくすぐって… 静かで、近くて、誰の邪魔も入らない、二人だけの空間… そこで愛しい人のイチモツをきゅっ、きゅっと握るわたくし… 溢れ出るカウパーが、どんどんと手を覆っていって… オチンチンの熱と一緒に、わたくしを包んでいく… とっても幸せなのですが… 限界が近そうなので、そろそろ本番とまいりましょうか あなたの耳に、囁きながら…跨りますね だって、わたくしに囁いてもらえないと寂しいでしょう? うふふっ♪

5. Whispers during full-body oil massage

It seems like you're pretty relaxed now. I'm happy I gave it my all! To loosely let out a sigh of relief the way you did just now is actually quite difficult, you know? Nowadays, we'd be easily distracted by stress or the way our environment is. While we're at it, let us move on to the next program. It seem like the towel has gone cold. Before I remove it, let me switch the light off, okay. I'm very sorry (that I had to turn the light off), but what I'm about to do next embarrass me so, that's why... I shall take the towel off you, okay? Welcome back! Ehehe, look at you, getting all flushed like that. Well then, please excuse me. I will be taking your yukata off as well. Oh my... You already got so hard. Even in this faintly-lit room, I can really see how manly you are down there. You're feeling it from the ears way too much, huh? Ehehe♪ Serving you was really worth the effort. Ah, before we go on, I will be taking my yukata off as well, okay? Well, you saw my naked body earlier when it was slightly brighter than now... But this time around, I'm getting naked not with the intention of getting inside the hot spring...this embarrass me so... Right now, I shall indulge you with Healing Moon Resort’s special oil massage. The oil I'm about to use is mixed with the essence of the hot spring, it will nourish your body from the surface. I will be hand-massaging your whole body with this, okay? The night's getting late as well, To keep our voices from being heard by anyone else, I shall lay down by your side, okay. Please stay still, okay? How's this? It feels really good on your skin, right? This massaging oil will brings one towards a trance-like state. We are just getting started. Feeling that kind of sensation while you're completely awake will feel much better compared to receiving it while you're asleep, right? Ehehe♪ Well then, from around your collarbone downwards... I shall slowly slide my hand down, okay? No matter what happens, please do not let out a loud voice. If someone happens to be walking in front of our doorstep, they might hear us. Please let your blissful moans out softly, okay...♪ I will indulge myself by watching this shamefulstate of yours starting now. Slowly, slowly... While tracing the palms of my hands against your skin, then suddenly rubbing my index fingers against you... Oh my, look at you, trembling like a cute little creature... Today, I found out by serving you.. You really are a person with good, sensitive senses... I can't help but want to tease you... Should this displease you in any way, though, please don't hesitate to say so, okay? There~see how my index finger is rubbing you... It's in a constant state of touching-and-yet-not-actually-touching your nipple... Frustrating, yet so arousing... Then making a circle around your nipple like this... tickle~ tickle~ tickle~ Ehehe, do you hear the sticky sound the oil is making? Even though I'm making all these lewd, perverted noises, I'm not touching your nipple just yet... Do you want me to touch it? Your nipple? Just like the way one would touch an erect penis, lasciviously... But nope~ I still want to tease you some more. Please yearn for Mitsuki more and more. Women are sensitive creatures. Just like this, the feelings you have for me are spreading to the air around us and it makes me feel so horny... So please, just like this... ...Try and express your feelings for me without no words... Please try and move my heart just by using all those desires and passions you have for me... But until then,♪ Just like this, I'm sliding my index finger down, away from your nipple... ...Now, I'm around your stomach... Tickle~ Tickle~ Tickle~ Your breathing became wild and ragged... Even though we went to such lengths to get your breathing in order, too... When you're aroused, you won't settle down until you let "it" all out, huh... That's just the way men are, right... Ehehe, what a cute belly button... It's about the same size of my fingertips, I think? If I prod my finger gently just like this... You hear that? The vivid, lewd sounds it gave off... It's like sex, in some ways... My finger acts as the male genitalia, while your belly button's the female's... Taking the initiatives is really fun. I can't help but want to do more and more. Ehehe, I'm just kidding. There's "somewhere else" near here that you'd really like me to touch rather than your belly button, right? Then I shall move my fingers further down... Oh my! what could this be? It feels like touching a shrub of grass... I guess I will play around this part for a bit. Twining my fingers around this shrub of "grass..." Tickle, tickle~Tickle, tickle~ Ehehehe♪ I see, so this is your pubic hair! This is your penis' hair, not a shrub of grass, huh. It has a somewhat soft texture to it... I might get addicted to this. It seems like there's something that is "pointing" towards my finger's direction... But it's still too early for "that," so I will be going back up, okay~ Sway, sway~ It's as if my fingers possesses their own will and are moving on their own... Not constricted by anything, they simply go wherever they please... That's why, if they wanted to go towards your oh-I've-been-waiting-for-this-so-badly nipple, they're free to do so. Here, I guess? Wow! Look at how stiff they already are!! Are nipples really supposed to be this lewd? This is quite the discovery moment I'm having... Well then, I will be rubbing it with my fingertip... Your voice is leaking out, you know? Hold back for me, okay? Haaa...Look at you... Your body's undulating so helplessly... Twitching and jolting, just from me teasing your nipple... Well then, how about teasing your nipple with my palm? Aah, you like this too, hmm? Jeez, what a sensitive body... I'm only touching your nipple, and look at how you helplessly flail about... So please, don't be shy... Show me this side of yours more and more... Right now, I'm the only one looking at you. Your one and only girlfriend... I will be touching the other nipple as well, okay? So stiff... To think that it'd get this hard... How do you like me teasing your nipple with my fingertip? ...Ah, what a lovely response♪ It's really stiff, so it's easy to play around with... There!☆ there!☆ Oh, dear me... I'm the heiress of this resort, but look at me, having fun just like a little girl... Well, you're the one who made me the way I am right now, so... Ehehe, so let's leave it at that, all right? I shall give it a little pinch now. ...It's so pinch-able...Ehehe, I will be stroking it, okay... Look at how the oil makes both your nipples so slippery... The atmosphere around us feels so lewd now...... It's about time... I shall extend my arm towards your most "special" place, and then... I will be touching it, okay...? Mm...Aah! So... so hot! It's like my hand's about to melt...♪ Do you want me to stroke it? Look at you, twitching and jolting, wanting me to rub it oh, so, so badly... I'm very sorry, but I won't be stroking your penis. Instead...Let me give it a "massage," okay... While holding this penis that's way too big to be completely enveloped by my hand... Grab, squeeze~ I will be gently giving it a massage. With a constant rhythm, slightly adding strength to my grip and then letting it go... And then tightly grabbing it, then slowly loosening it up... Ehehe, even through these simple movements, the lewd noises that this produces are becoming really audible... I would really love to stroke this stretched-out, lovely member of yours, but... If I were to stroke it now, you'll become too sensitive that it'll make you lose yourself. You came here to be healed, so let us take this nice and slow... I'm grabbing and letting your penis go while following the rhythm of your breathing. Similar to slow sex, I think we can call this "slow handjob," perhaps? Even though I'm not actually stroking it, though, ehehe... Haah...It seems like I'm gonna really fall in love with you and forget about anything else... That might be good in itself...Because from the bottom of my heart, I lo... ...Nah, It's nothing. Rather, see how liquids are leaking out from the tips? The room is dark and I can barely see it but I can feel the slipperiness... This liquid...Gives off a different sensation compared to the oil, after all, right? Could this be your precum? It keeps on flowing out, making my hands wet... Ehehe, look at you, how lovely. Is this some kind of sickness? "Love" sickness, perhaps? Feel how my warmth and your warmth are longing for each other. It's as if I wanted to absorb all the warmth that came from you... Just like this, I want us both to melt and become one... Well, gentlemen might prefer just calling it sex, though... Haaa...So, so warm... While hugging you tight and playing around with "you" using my fingertips...Makes me feel at ease from the inside... The scent of the hot spring, massaging oil along with your precum is mixing in the air... It stimulates my sense of smell so strongly... So close and yet so serene...This time and space belongs to the two of us and nobody shall disturb it. And right now, I'm holding my beloved person's member all sweetly and lovingly... Your ever-flowing precum is gradually covering my hand up completely... I'm being enveloped by your penis' warmth... This is a blissful moment for both you and me, but... It seems like you're really close to hitting your limit, so let us move on to the “main course.” I will be whispering in your ears...while getting on top of you, okay. You'd be lonely if I don't keep on whispering in your ears, right?

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