Track 6

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さぁ、おいでませ… この逞しい巨根を、わたくしの濡れそぼった、ナカ…に―― んっ…ふぁっ、あふあ、っああああぁぁぁっ!? はいっ…てえぇっ、きた…あっ、ああぁっ! すごい…っ、ずぶぶっと、奥まで…っ あんなに、おっきかった、のにぃっ! 形が…相性が、いいのでしょうか…っ? そうだとしたら、誠に…うれしゅうございます…っ あぁっ…とうとう、繋がってしまったの、ですね…っ じらしにじらして…ふふっ♪ ナカで、とっても喜んでますよ… 子供みたいに、はしゃいで…ふぁっ、んんぅっ♪ 焦らないで…っ、わたくしは、どこにも逃げませんわ… じっとして、こちらにお任せくださいませ…♪ 最後の最後まで、癒し尽くして… 最高の瞬間を迎えてごらんに…っ、いれますから… んっ……ふっ……んっ……ふぅっ、ぅ……っ あぁっ、オチンチンが催促してます…っ もっともっと、速く動かしてくれ、と…っ ふふっ、焦らないで… スローセックスの味を、たんまり味わってくださいね…♪ ゆっくりと行き来することで…んっ! 膣の構造をお伝えしながら、愛撫することが、できるのです…っ 感じますでしょう…っ? 襞があなたの肉棒を撫で上げ、撫で下ろし… そこに愛液が加わって、絶妙な刺激を与える… 女性の神秘が、ここにたくさん、詰まっておりますの…っ 若いもの同士がすると、パンパンジュプジュプと速く激しく… それもよろしいのですが、せっかくの恋人なのですから… お互いの大事な部分がどうなって、今どう感じているのか… わかったほうが、おもしろいと…っ、思いませんか? わたくしは今、あなたの男性器の構造を、膣の伝わりで知りつつ、あります…っ わたくしの小さい手では、全体を把握しきれなかったものの、 今なら…んっ…っ、細部まで感じ取れます…っ! 嬉しい…わたくしのナカへ入ってきてくれて… 本当に、ありがとう…っ、ございます…っ! 満たされ、て…っ、わたくしが、満たされて、いきます…っ あなたに与えられて…欠けていた、部分が…っ 出会えたの…こんな、環境で…っ どこかにいるはずだった、わたくしの…恋できる人…っ 一分でも、一秒でも長く…お傍に…っ …あっ…なんだか、出てしまいそう、ですね…っ …ふふっ、大丈夫ですよ 仕方がありません、だいぶじらしてしまいましたから… どうぞ…このまま、お出しになってくださいませ… あなたの子種を、余すところなく…んっ、わたくしの子宮内へと…っ お気になさらず…良いのですよ 事後のことは気にせず、自然に、心の赴くままに…っ! んっ…っ、んっん…、ふっ、んっんぅ―― あっ、ひぁっ、ああああああああっ! あぅっ、はっああぁ…っ! でて、ますよぉ…っ…熱い、精液が…っ… 素敵な、脈動…っ 力強く、わたくしの子宮口を押し、広げながら…ビュッ、ビュッと…っ! んんっ……ふぁっ、あふっぁ……っ♪ なが、い…っ…幸せ…長続き…んふっん♪ …ぅ、ん…っ…収まって、きちゃいましたね… あなたの反応を感じられることは、わたくしの宝物です なので…もう少し、長く抱き合っていとうございます… 今しばらく、このままで…重くなりましたら、遠慮なく… …わたくし、実は…本当は、恋人コースを受けてはいけないのです… ここの女将…わたくしの母ですが、 恋人コースのことを良く思っていないのです 苦肉の策といいますか… 経営難を盾にみんなで押し切り、始めたのはいいのですが… わたくしは一度も誰かの恋人になれたことはありませんでした そしてこれからも、ここで働くからにはありません みなが頑張っているのに…わたくしだけ母の娘、若女将という特権に守られて… やはり一部には良くないお客様もいらっしゃって、 傷つく子もいるのが実情です それでも続けるのは、地元の方と… あなたのように偶然発見し、遠方からわざわざ来てくださった方… 本当に必要としていただける方に笑顔になっていただくことが、 わたくしたちの何よりの誉れなのでございます あとは単純に…恋人コースの実態を広く知られると困るというのもありますが… 本末転倒ですよね、うふふっ♪ ですので、わたくしが誰かの恋人になれるのはおそらく… 今日が最初で最後なのです 明日になれば、事がバレて、わたくしは母からこっぴどく叱られることでしょう… 過保護もいい加減にしてほしいですが、愛は感じます 忘れないでください… あなたを一日だけ愛した美月という一人の女性が、ここにいたことを…

6. Slow cowgirl sex and whispers

Now, please come... Please insert your manly, big member inside my dripping-wet puss--- Nhaaaa, Ah, Aaaaaah!? It's entering me... Aaaah! It's inching deeper and deeper towards my deepest spot... Even though it's so big... Could it be that your shape's simply the perfect fit for me, I wonder? If that's truly the case, I'm very happy... Aah... Finally, we're connected with each other, eh... After I teased and teased you to no end... Ehehe♪ I can feel you gleefully twitching inside me... Just like the way a kid would, happily hopping around...Fuahh... Mm...♪ Please enjoy and take your time...I'm not going anywhere... Just stay still, and leave it all to me, okay♪ I shall heal you till you reach your very peak... I will bring you to the state of absolute ecstasy... Mmhh...Fhuu...Mm...Fhuu... Ah, I can feel your penis twitching inside me... As if it was saying "More, do it faster and harder!" Please be patient... I will show you all the joy a slow sex could give, okay♪ By going in and out of me slowly...Mmh! While making you feel every nook and cranny of my pussy, this way I can properly convey my love for you... Can you feel me? Can you feel my insides scraping your penis up... and down...? Along with the sensation of my love juice, it's giving you an enchanting sensation, right... It's(inside her pussy) full of mysteries that made up a woman's body... If it's (sex) between young couples, they'll slam each other's bodies all quick and roughly... That's fine and all, but we're lovers now, so... To know how each other's most special place is feeling and becoming right now... Is much more interesting, don't you think? Right now, you're imprinting your penis' shape inside me, and I'm feeling it so much... My small hands could not completely envelop you, but... By doing this, I can feel and notice every last detail of your penis' shape. I'm so happy...From the bottom of my heart... I thank you...for entering me. I feel so fulfilled...You're making me feel so fulfilled.... I feel the way your penis is tickling my deepest parts... To meet you under such circumstances... To meet beloved... A a second longer would be enough...Let me stay by your side... ...Ah, you're about to cum, right? Ehehe, it's okay. I've been teasing you for so long, so it's only natural. Please...just like this, go ahead and cum inside me... Please pour every last drop of your seed inside my womb... Please don't concern yourself over me... Don't concern yourself over any consequences...Just naturally...Go ahead and follow your heart's desire! *moans* Ahh! It's...Pouring...inside me...Your piping-hot sperm... The way it's pulsing inside me is so lovely... It's forcefully pushing against the entrance of my womb...spreading me wide and injecting it drop by drop... Nnh...Fwaah! Ah! Fwaaah! For such last...this long...Nfuuh♪ Nnh...It seems like you've settled down... To witness the moment you reach your climax will forever be my treasure. That's why...can we please stay in each other's embrace just for a little bit longer? Just for a little bit longer...Should this bother you, please don't hesitate to push me aside... To tell you the truth, I'm actually not allowed to serve customers with a "lover's course..." The owner of this hot spring is my mother, and she doesn't really like the idea of Lover course. You may call it our last resort… We forced our girls to perform the "lover course" with financial crisis as a pretext. By the start, it was running pretty well. I've never had a lover before. and since I'm working here, I will never have one. I'm exempt from performing the lover course due to the fact that I'm the owner's daughter...While the others had to simply do their best. It's pretty rare, but there were some bad customers as well. Some of our girls got hurt that way. But thanks to the local, returning customers... And thanks to people who discovered us by pure coincidence and took his time to come all the way here like you... (We can keep our resort open.) To be able to bring a smile upon the face of our customers that desperately need our help... ...Is, above all else, our greatest honour. And well, I think you already understand, but it'd be trouble for us if the "Lover course" is becoming known to the masses, so... It seems like we got our priorities reversed, huh? Ehehe♪ And with that, this would probably be the very first but also the last time for me to have a lover. Tomorrow, when people find out about us, I will most likely be severely scolded by my mother... Even though I just about had enough of her being so overprotective, I can feel her love for me, so... So please...Don't forget about me. Please don't forget about Mitsuki...The woman that used to be your lover, even just for one day...The fact that I was here...

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