可愛くて強引な肉食系のオレの嫁!【ダミーヘッドバイノーラル】【リアルSE】 / My Kawaii Carnivore Wife! [Binaural] [Real SE] Scripts

Track Number Track Title English Track Title Votes
1 シーン1 家族になろう! 莉音の逆プロポーズ?! Scene 1: Let's become a Family! Rin's Reverse Proposal?! -1
2 シーン2 初めてのお目覚めフェラ。これから毎日してあげるね? Scene 2: First wake-up Fellatio. From now on, I'll give it to you, okay? 0
3 シーン3 旦那ちゃん早く帰ってこないかな……莉音、昼下がりのひとりえっち Scene 3: I wonder if Hubby will come home soon...... Rin's afternoon Ecchi 0
4 シーン4 おかえりなさい♪ ご飯にする? お風呂にする? お風呂にする? はい!一緒におふろ〜♪ Scene 4: Welcome back♪ Would you like Dinner? Or would you like a Bath? You would like a Bath? Okay! Lets go Together♪ 0
5 シーン5 お風呂あがりにお耳のお手入れ、ついでに爪も切っちゃおうね? Scene 5: After Bathing Ear Care, Incidentally Let's Cut Your Nails? 0
6 シーン6 たくさん食べて、精を付けてね? 莉音の精力増進メニュー。 Scene 6: Eat up so you can produce a lot of essence, okay? Rin's Energy Enhancement Menu 0
7 シーン7 明日は休みだ。朝まで子作り♪ ラウンド1 Scene 7: Tomorrow is a Rest Day. Until Morning, Let's make a Baby♪ Round 1 1
8 シーン8 明日は休みだ。朝まで子作り♪ ラウンド2 Scene 8: Tomorrow is a Rest Day. Until Morning, Let's make a Baby♪ Round 2 0
9 シーン9 明日は休みだ。朝まで子作り♪ まだまだ続くよ!エクストララウンド突入! Scene 9: Tomorrow is a Rest Day. Until Morning, Let's make a Baby♪ Let's keep Going! Extra Round Rush! 0