Works with student

RJ Code Title English Title Circle CV Tags SFW

145747★ E

図書室で声を殺す可愛げのない後輩 Kouhai's Muffled Adorable Voice in the Library B-bishop Sawano Poplar, 沢野ぽぷら broken link, dirty talk, fellatio, kouhai, kuudere, outdoor sex, school, school uniform, student, toys, tsundere, vibrator No

169484★ E

性欲に従順すぎて不眠な女の子 バイノーラル強引誘惑 The Eager Insomiac - Her Insistence [Binaural] B-bishop Ashiya Moko, 芦屋もこ black hair, chain/collar/restraint, coercion/compulsion, creampie, dirty talk, ear licking, fellatio, handjob, reverse rape, school, school uniform, student, submissive man, tease, verbal abuse, whispering No

224122★ E

後輩彼女のこのみのヒミツ。II サキュバス少女な恋人と、いちゃらぶあまあまなものづくりのお話 Junior GF Konomi's Secret. II Flirty Lovey Craftwork with a Succubus Girlfriend ぺーるとーんれいんぼぅすたー / PaleTone_RainbowStar Watayuki, 綿雪 binaural audio, ear licking, girlfriend, junior and senior students, kissing, lovers, lovey-dovey, moe, school, school uniform, student, succubus No

236578★ E

TS催眠 先輩に囁かれながらメスイキするあなた Feminization Hypno: Femgasm to Senpai's Whispers ユビノタクト Hinata Yuka, 陽向葵ゅか binaural audio, exhibition, feminization, hypnosis, junior and senior students, lovey-dovey, nipple licking, nipple play, rain noise, school uniform, senpai, sex change, student, tease, whispering, women's viewpoint, yuri No

249457★ E

先輩、わたしの使用済パンツでナニするの? N/A それから / sorekara まどのことり dirty talk, fetish, junior and senior students, kouhai, masturbation, moe, panties, school uniform, student, submissive man, verbal abuse No

277866★ E

密室エレベーターのロリビッチ ~J○に囁かれながら死ぬほど手コキされる音声~ <むつき編> Trapped in the Elevator with a Loli Bitch ~J○ Whispers and Strokes You Off like Crazy~ <Mutsuki Edition> 風紀委員会 Uzuki Lilim, 兎月りりむ。 bitch, countdown, dirty talk, ear licking, handjob, loli, small breasts, student, successive orgasms, whispering No

292376★ E

ネカフェで隣の個室の処女JKと交尾するお話 Mating with the JK in the Next Booth Over at the Net Cafe べけす工房 Hinata Yuka, 陽向葵ゅか creampie, dirty talk, first experience, kouhai, lovey-dovey, student, successive orgasms No

328294★ E

バブみぐらし~世話焼きJKがママになって褒めてくれる甘やかし癒され音声~【CV.浅見ゆい】 N/A HONEY CAT VOICE / HONEY CAT VOICE Asami Yui, 浅見ゆい daily life, ear cleaning, healing, lovey-dovey, moe, school uniform, student Yes

415682★ E

【きったねぇオホ声でお薬交尾】正体不明の家出JKと、宇宙一幸せなキメセク【フェラ抜きザーメンゲップ】 The Happiest Chemsex in the Universe With an Unknown Runaway Girl. 常世常闇所々 Takanashi Hanami, 高梨はなみ ahegao, big breasts, bukkake, burping, creampie, decadent/immoral, dirty talk, drug, ear licking, fellatio, kissing, masochist, nipple play, school uniform, seduction, sexual training, student, submissive man, successive orgasms, swallowing, thighjob No

429703★ E

【万引き×色仕掛け×三人の美女】えっちな誘惑に負けて悪事に手を染めてしまう話【全裸差分付き】 N/A 常世常闇所々 Akatsuki Kotone, Akino Kaede, Hinata Yuka, Kotone Aruha, 琴音有波, 秋野かえで, 紅月ことね, 陽向葵ゅか big breasts, breast feeding, coquettish, decadent/immoral, ear licking, fellatio, handjob, lovey-dovey, masochist, masturbation, mother, nipple play, paizuri, panties, sadistic, seduction, shaming, student, submissive man, tease, verbal abuse, whispering No

01065612★ E

絶対に乳首で感じないからっ!【ダウナー系JKとボーイッシュ系JKを乳首開発して、みっともないオホ声潮吹き絶頂をさせる話】 N/A 常世常闇所々 Koyama Haru, Suzuka Minase, こやまはる, 涼花みなせ ahegao, big breasts, blond, lovers, masturbation, nipple play, school uniform, sexual training, short hair, student, toys No


秘密の花束 The Secret Bouquet AxelaStar / AxelaStar 五十嵐裕美, 木村珠莉, 松井恵理子, 松嵜麗, 長妻樹里, 青木志貴 binaural audio, drama, lovey-dovey, school, school uniform, student, yuri Yes


内緒だよ♪ It's a secret just between us! MIYUKI-voice- N/A senpai, student, yuri No


超有害コド○ボイスCD「○学○年生の作文」& 超鬼畜音源「コド○の喘ぎ声リアル版」 N/A ジュピターインターノベルズ N/A broken link, impregnation, loli, student No


都合により放送時間を延長しております N/A いんすたんとステージ N/A comedy, gag, glasses, heartwarming, long hair, school, school uniform, short hair, student Yes
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