Works with reading aloud

RJ Code Title English Title Circle CV Tags SFW


ストーリーテラーの読み聞かせ催眠 N/A Si-A / Si-A Akino Kaede, 秋野かえで binaural audio, healing, hypnosis, reading aloud, submissive man, whispering No


セフレ彼女と疑似同棲 - 彼女の部屋で一週間甘々お泊り生活 N/A AZwrite. Aisaka Narumi, 逢坂成美 breast feeding, cohabitation, creampie, ear licking, fellatio, girlfriend, handjob, lovey-dovey, pure love, reading aloud, sleep aid, whispering No


【ぬくもり膝枕FX搭載】気付けば叔母にASMRられる人生 ~0歳児篇/小学生篇/中学生篇~ N/A F. PRODUCTIONS Asagi Shiki, 浅木式 age difference, aunt, bathing, big breasts, daily life, ear blowing, ear cleaning, hair dryer noise, haircutting, healing, older woman, oneesan, reading aloud, shampoo, sleeping sounds Yes


【耳かき&読み聞かせ&添い寝】いっしょぐらし 〜文学系彼女編〜【CV:石見舞菜香】 N/A じゅじゅっとウェルダン Iwami Manaka, 石見舞菜香 daily life, ear cleaning, girlfriend, glasses, healing, lovey-dovey, mp3 only, reading aloud Yes


東京癒処 わきみち さくら1 【Le Petit Prince】 N/A ちいさな羽根飾り Ichinose Rito, 一之瀬りと daily life, ear cleaning, ear licking, healing, massage, reading aloud, soft biting No


【南部風鈴と夏のおと】東京癒処わきみち 向日葵1【銀河鉄道の夜】 N/A ちいさな羽根飾り Suzuki Ryou, 涼貴涼 ear cleaning, ear licking, healing, heartwarming, insect noises, kimono/japanese clothes, natural sound, reading aloud, soft biting, wholesome, wind chimes No


【赤ちゃんプレイ】おねえさんといっしょ 【Baby Play】 Together with Elder Sister A*Citrus Yuzuki Akari, 柚木朱莉 big breasts, binaural audio, consensual sex, creampie, ear licking, fellatio, handjob, healing, infantilization, masturbation show, oneesan, reading aloud, shampoo, wet sounds No


作者○○につき N/A AJBRC Takegawa Kaede, 武川楓 daily life, reading aloud Yes


ささやき☆ご奉仕~個室居酒屋でデート~ whisper service Ak Voice Akatsuki Kotone, 紅月ことね binaural audio, dirty talk, drunk, fellatio, first experience, handjob, healing, junior and senior students, kissing, kouhai, lovey-dovey, moe, panties, reading aloud, romance, verbal abuse, whispering No


アクアリウムユートピア Aquarium Utopia DreamLight Suzuka Minase, Yuzuki Akari, 柚木朱莉, 涼花みなせ background music, ear cleaning, healing, monster girl, personification, reading aloud, sisters, water sounds, wholesome, wind chimes Yes


音声で楽しむ名作文学第1弾『走れメロス』 Classic Literature Audio Book 1: "Run, Melos!" Fiction 深山風音 reading aloud Yes


音声で楽しむ名作文学第2弾『山羊の歌_初期詩篇』 Classic Literature Audio Book 2: "Poems of the Goat - Shokishihen -" Fiction N/A reading aloud Yes


音声で楽しむ名作文学第3弾『注文の多い料理店』 Classic Literature Audio Book 3: "The Restaurant of Many Orders" Fiction N/A reading aloud Yes


音声で楽しむ名作文学第4弾『羅生門』 Classic Literature Audio Book 4: "Rashoumon" Fiction N/A reading aloud Yes


無花果の甘い夢 N/A HELLCircus / HELLCircus 蜜狐こはく captivity, decadent/immoral, for women, glasses, healing, male voice, reading aloud No
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