Works with reading aloud

RJ Code Title English Title Circle CV Tags SFW


~眠れない夜に~ おやすみなさい -On Sleepless Nights- Oyasumi Nasai りんご晴れ / apple sunny Sawano Poplar, 沢野ぽぷら breathing, healing, heartwarming, reading aloud, romance, sleeping sounds Yes


地味でぼっちなクラスメイトに告白したら快眠を約束してくれた朗読の夜 N/A ナツカシプロジェクト Hayakawa Ai, はやかわあい daily life, healing, lovers, lovey-dovey, reading aloud No


【ベタ惚れオナホ】オーダーメイド オナホドールのキスハメ性処理♪ ~あなたの都合でいつでも道具扱いOKな日常~ Order-Maid Onahole Doll's Sexual Service ~Treat Me Like a Sex Toy Anytime~ ろんりーわん / RonlyOne Aisaka Narumi, 逢坂成美 animal ears, ear licking, fellatio, handjob, kissing, lovey-dovey, maid, masturbation support, monster girl, outdoor sex, paizuri, reading aloud, swallowing, urination, virgin female No


耳掻きマッサージ専門店・大和撫子~眠れない貴方に捧ぐ、癒しのひととき~ Ear Cleaning Massage Shop 2 JON Akiba Yoiko, 秋葉よいこ ear cleaning, lullaby, massage, reading aloud Yes


ささやき☆ご奉仕~個室居酒屋でデート~ whisper service Ak Voice Akatsuki Kotone, 紅月ことね binaural audio, dirty talk, drunk, fellatio, first experience, handjob, healing, junior and senior students, kissing, kouhai, lovey-dovey, moe, panties, reading aloud, romance, verbal abuse, whispering No


万綺譚 朱里 Yorozukitan: Shuri 風花雪月 / Beautiful Nature Ayakura Seika, 彩倉星華 healing, moe, reading aloud No


恋するひとつ軒の下「幽霊お姉さん咲樂子編」 N/A 音ノ葉クリエイト Numata Tomomi, 沼田有未 binaural audio, ear cleaning, ghost, healing, lovers, lovey-dovey, reading aloud, sleep aid, youkai Yes


おやすみ絵本〈バイノーラル読み聞かせ音声〉 N/A えうもあ専門店 Akino Kaede, 秋野かえで binaural audio, broken link, healing, heartwarming, mother, reading aloud No


作者○○につき N/A AJBRC Takegawa Kaede, 武川楓 daily life, reading aloud Yes


本を読む ~芥川龍之介作品朗読~ Reading a Book ~ Akutagawa Ryuunosuke Works~ 野生に帰り隊 / ANIME VOICE GALS Koiki, 小粋 healing, reading aloud Yes


アライグマの恩返し。(アライ=サン 催眠) Raccoon's repayment. (Arai-San hypnosis) 風呂井戸ソフト / Furo Ido Soft Bubaigawara Shiho, 分倍河原シホ bathing, comedy, fellatio, personification, reading aloud No


音声で楽しむ名作文学第1弾『走れメロス』 Classic Literature Audio Book 1: "Run, Melos!" Fiction 深山風音 reading aloud Yes


音声で楽しむ名作文学第2弾『山羊の歌_初期詩篇』 Classic Literature Audio Book 2: "Poems of the Goat - Shokishihen -" Fiction N/A reading aloud Yes


音声で楽しむ名作文学第3弾『注文の多い料理店』 Classic Literature Audio Book 3: "The Restaurant of Many Orders" Fiction N/A reading aloud Yes


音声で楽しむ名作文学第4弾『羅生門』 Classic Literature Audio Book 4: "Rashoumon" Fiction N/A reading aloud Yes
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