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ふあぁ・・おはよっ。 朝の6時だよ。 ちゃんと起きられたんだね、えらいえらい❤ こっちはあんたをどういじめるか考えてたら なかなか夜寝付けなくてさー。 ちょっと寝不足気味なんだけど、どうしてくれる? んふふ❤ その迷惑分もあんたの身体で払ってもらおうかなぁ❤ 今日は一杯楽しもうね。 本当に容赦しないから、ちゃんとついてきてよ? さてと・・・こんな早い時間だけど 外にはすでに、色んな人が出かけているよ。 良く目につくのはジョギングや散歩をしてる人。 つまり健康に気を使ってる健全な人達だね。 早朝に爽やかで軽めの運動をこなせば 一日のリズムを作れるし、身体もスムーズに動かせるようになって 無駄なストレスのない一日を過ごせるってわけだね。 ダイエットやトレーニングも兼ねるから良い事ばっかり。 清楚で清潔な人達の日常ってそういうものなんだよね。 じゃあ、ドMのあんたはズボンおろそうか。 パンツは履かないよう言っておいたよね? 脱いだらおちんぽ丸出しになっちゃうけど、別に構わないでしょ? 射精管理、はじめるよ。 あんたはね、外の人達とは違うの。 比較する事すらおこがましい恥ずかしい人間なんだよ。 朝からあたしにいじめられたくてこんな音声聞いちゃうマゾなんだからね。 ちゃんとそれを自覚することから射精管理を始めていこうね。 窓とか開いてるならちゃんと閉めてよね。 これから健全に一日を過ごす人達に、そんな恥ずかしい物見せて 気分を害させてしまったら申し訳も立たないでしょ? 人様の迷惑にならない環境ができたら、さっさとズボン脱いでね。 3,2,1、ほい。 ・・・んふふっ❤ あーあ。 朝一番であんたのお粗末なおちんぽを眺めることになるなんてね。 わかってる? 朝の6時だよ? 外の人達はまともな日常を送り始めてるのに、 あんたはお粗末なおちんぽ丸出しにして、これから射精管理に赴くんだよ? しかも自分から望んでね・・・恥ずかしいねー?❤ じゃあ、おちんぽに触れる許可を上げる。 昨晩見ていたオナニーのネタを思い返しながら気持ちよくなりなさい。 あんたの一番感じるやり方でいいから、思う存分オナニーして見せて。 早さも強さも自由にしていいよ。 ただし、射精だけは絶対にダメ。 もし出そうになったら一旦動きを止めて、 射精感が収まってからオナニーを再開しなさい。 あんたにとってはジョギングより軽くこなせるでしょ? 手慣れたもんだもんね? 風を感じながら走るより、快感によいしれて手や腰を動かす方が得意だもんね? 外の人達とあんた、どこで道を違えたんだろうね? それじゃあよーい、はじめ。 ・・・うわ! そうやっていつもオナニーしてんだ? そんなやり方が気持ちイイの? 一番気持ちいいやり方でやるんだよ? なるほど、そうやっておちんぽをねぇ・・・きもちわる~い。 んふふ❤ まああんたがどうやってオナってるかなんてどうでもいいんだけどさ。 けど・・・今日はそのやり方を何度も披露してもらうよ。 子供の頃から培ってきた熟練のテクニックで 苦しんでるところをたくさんあたしに見せてよね❤ あ、気持ちよさでおちんぽビンビンになってきたね。 玉も上がってきて射精の準備を始めちゃってる❤ 本番なんてまだまだ先なのに、おちんぽも玉もあんたに似て馬鹿なんだねぇ。 射精はもっとあとだって、ちゃんとおちんぽに言っといてあげなよ。 まだまだ出させて貰えないんだからあんまりマジになるなってね❤ ・・・でも、オナニーの手は緩めちゃだめだよ。 あんたは普段どおり、おちんぽに快感を与える。 おちんぽはそれに答えて、射精の準備を進める。 けどそれをあんたは裏切る。 自分の体なのに、自分の体を裏切らないといけない。 だって、そのおちんぽの管理人は今、あたしだから。 射精の決定ボタンを押せるのはあたしだけ❤ 本来の持ち主にその権利はないの。 最後の最後までね❤ ほら、もっとおちんぽを勘違いさせなさいな。 たくさん気持ちよくして、射精の準備をさせるの。 それでイキそうになったら手の動きを止めるんだよ。 何度もそうしているとね、おちんぽは異変に気付いて 馬鹿みたいに信号を強め始める。 あんたを射精に導くために、射精欲を煽ってくる。 射精したらめちゃくちゃ気持ちイイよってのを しつこく頭に伝達してくる。 でも射精はできない。 あたしがさせない。 絶対に、射精はできない。 ・・・んふふ❤ 出せないってわかってるのに、 素直にオナニーを続けてるあんたも、その馬鹿なおちんぽも すごく間抜けで・・・・・好きだよ❤ じゃあ一回オナニーを止めて。 今日の説明を聞いて貰おうかな。 変態のあんたのために考えたんだから、ちゃんと聞いてよね。 今日は一日、射精を管理してあげる。 あたしが許可するまで絶対に精子は出しちゃだめ 一滴でも白い精子を溢したら・・それでおしまい。 もう音声の続きを聞いちゃダメ。 音声を最後まで聞きたいのなら、慎重にかつ丁寧にあたしの命令に従いなさい。 命令には絶対に従うんだよ?いい? わかったら小さい声でもいいから「はい」って言ってみな? あたしの命令には絶対に従うこと。いいですかー? ・・えへへ❤ はい。じゃあオナニー再開して。 一番気持ちいいやり方でまたオナニーするんだよ。命令ね。 イキかけたら動きを止めて、精子を溢さないように必死に我慢しなさい。 寸止めオナニーずっと続けるんだよ? じゃあ続きを話すねー。 今はまだ朝の早い時間。 あんたと違って健康的な生活をしている人達はね まず歯を磨いて、顔を洗って、髪を整えて それから朝ごはんをちゃんと食べて、午前中にしっかり動くための栄養をとるわけ。 今日はあんたもそんな朝の身支度をしようね。 身なりは綺麗にして、おちんぽだけは涎垂らして性欲で狂ってる。 そういうちぐはぐな状態があんたには相応しいよね? そんなドMになるための身支度、していこうね❤ ちゃんと寸止めオナニー続けてる? じゃあそのまま聞いててね。 これからあんたには歯を磨いて顔を洗ってもらうよ。 これで一個クリア。 おトイレの時間をあげるから、出してきていいよ。 ただし・・・出すのはおしっこじゃなくて、マゾ汁だけどね❤ お手洗いに入ったら、扉の前でしこしこして射精一秒前にするの。 そしたら便器の前に立って、カウパー汁が中に垂れるまでオナニーしなさい。 先走ってる変態マゾ汁は臭くて汚いから、トイレに流しておかないとね。 でも精子は出しちゃダメ。 ギリギリまでオナって高めてから・・・寸止め❤ ちゃんとギリギリにできれば、先走ったマゾ汁が漏れ出てくるからね。 マゾ汁を一滴でも流せたら終わり。 以後おちんぽに触れるのは禁止だよ。 普通おトイレはすっきりするところだけど マゾのあんたはトイレで悶々とするのがお似合いだよね❤ さて次に、もう一度洗面所。 髪を整えて髭を剃ってね。 これで一個クリア。 もう一回同じようにトイレでシコシコして 念入りにマゾ汁を流しておこうね きっと二回目は早く搾れるはずだよ❤ こうやって朝から射精欲を追い込んで、 透明の先走り精液はトイレに流して、 最後の最後に、真っ白で濃厚な精液をたくさん出せるように身支度していこうねー❤ 今からこの音声を一時停止して さっそくやってきなさい。 ドMの身支度が終わったら、この音声を再開してね。 帰ってきたら朝ごはんのお話をするからね。 さっさと戻ってくんのよー。 おつかれさま❤ ちゃんと身支度は済ませられた? 歯も顔も洗って、髪も髭も整えられた? おトイレでマゾ汁出せた?? そっかーえらいねーまたおちんぽ追い込まれちゃったねー。 んふふふー❤ まだまだ続くから、より重症で深刻で救いようのないドMになろうねー❤ はい、じゃあ次は朝ごはんだよ。 朝ごはんはドMにとっても超大事。 あんたを狂わせてくれる射精欲は玉とその中の精子が発してる。 ごはんをたくさん食べて精子を作れば作るほど、 玉の中は精子で溢れて、より射精管理で苦しむことができるよ❤ だから朝ごはん、ちゃんと食べて苦しんでね? ごはんはね、自炊ができるなら自分で作っていいし 無理なら食べにいくか、コンビニあたりで買ってきなさいね。 出かけるなら服装はちゃんとしてよね、 興奮して妙な格好で出かけると世間のみなさんに迷惑でしょ? あんたと違って他の人達はまともな一日を過ごしてるんだから。 出かけている間だけは下着も付けていいからね。 気色悪いふくらみを誰かに見せたりしないようにね。 朝ごはんがちゃんと取れたらクリア、ここに戻ってきてね。 そしたら全裸で一回だけ寸止めオナニーの許可をあげる❤ ご褒美のオナニーなんだから、よりドMらしく 服を奪われた状態でオナニーしようね♡ 終わったらまた服は着ていいけど もう下着は付けちゃダメだよ。 昨日も言ったけど、玉の温度が下がると精子一杯作れるから。 だから精子一杯つくるために外出時以外はできるだけ下着禁止。 あ、そうだ。 次の音声まで時間が空いてしまった時はね、 あんたが好きそうなえっちなネタを漁ってもいいからね。 でも気を付けてよ? 許したのは見る事だけ。 オナニーは当然禁止だし、おちんぽにも触れちゃダメ。 忘れてないでしょうね? それの管理人はあたしなんだから。 管理人の許可がないときに勝手は許されないよ。 今だけはそのおちんぽ、不本意ながらあたしの一部でもあるから。 許可もなく女の子の性器に触れたら大変なことになるでしょ? だから見るのも禁止だし・・・指一本・・・ 触んないでよね。 それじゃ、ドMの朝がきたーってことで 美味しい朝ごはん食べてきなね❤ またあとでね❤

Super-M grooming (6 AM)

Yawnn... g'morning. It's 6 AM. So you properly woke up? Really good ❤ As for me, I couldn't fall asleep because I kept thinking all night about how to bully you today. I feel a bit sleep deprived, but how about you? Nfufu ❤ Your body is going to make up for that little annoyance of mine ❤ Today we'll have tons of fun. I really won't go easy on you, so you better do what I say. Now... it's still pretty early but there's gonna be many people outside very soon. People going for a walk or a run are especially noticeable. That is, all the healthy people who take good care of their body. When you start out the day with light and refreshing exercises, You can move your body smoothly for the rest of the day without any wasteful stress. That goes two-fold for your diet and training. It's how people stay neat and clean throughout their everyday life. So, would the super-M that is you let down his pants? You're not wearing any underpants like I told you, right? If you already took em off and have your bare cock out, then it doesn't matter. Let us begin your orgasm control. You know, you're different from the people outside. You're such a shameful human, it'd be ridiculous to even compare. When the first thing you do in the morning is listening to a voice play to be bullied, you're obviously a masochist. Now that you realize this fact, we can begin orgasm control. If your windows are open, make sure to close them. Then you won't spoil the mood or offend any of the healthy people outside with your shameful sight. When your surroundings doesn't bother any strangers, take off your pants at once. 3, 2, 1, go. ...nfufu ❤ Ho dear. The first thing in the morning is having to stare at your plain old cock. Don't you get it? It's 6 'o Clock in the morning. There's people outside beginning an upfront and honest day, and here you are with your lousy, naked cock, just about to do orgasm control. And it's all your own desire... aren't you ashamed? ❤ Now, I'm allowing to touch your cock. Make yourself feel good as you recall the fap material from yesterday night. Just pick your favorite method, and show me how a heartfelt masturbation. You can do it as fast and strong as you want. However, orgasm is absolutely out. When you feel like cumming, stop moving at once, and when the orgasm feeling has settled down, resume again. This seems lighter for you to pull off than jogging, right? You're familiar with your hands. Rather than feeling the wind while running, you excel at shaking your hands and waist as you go drunk on pleasure. Between you and the people outside, where did your paths break? Now then. Get ready, start! ...woah! So this is how you usually masturbate? Does this technique feel good? Does this method feel the best? Ho hum, I see. So this is your cock... gross! Nfufu❤ Oh well, I guess for someone like you, fapping like this is okay. Still... today, you're going to display this technique over and over again. Show me that skilled technique you've developed since your childhood, and how much it can make you suffer ❤ Ah, looks like your cock feels so good that it's fully heard. And your balls are also rising, getting ready to ejaculate ❤ It's still way too early for the real show to start, so I guess your cock and balls are as stupid as you. Orgasm isn't anywhere near yet, so make sure to tell that to your cock. Because if it doesn't get the message, it's gonna start to take things seriously ❤ ...anyway, don't slack off with your hands either. You're doing it as usual, pleasuring your dick. As a reply, your dick is preparing for ejaculation. But, you're going to betray it. This is your own body, and you shouldn't betray your own body. After all, the rightful manager of this cock right now, is me. Only I am in control of the OK button that lets you orgasm ❤ The original owner has lost this privilege. Until the bitter end ❤ Come on, don't let your dick get the wrong idea. Make it feel lots of pleasure and let it get ready for orgasm. And when you're about to cum, stop moving your hands. When this happens over and over again, your dick becomes aware of this accident and begins to strengthen the signals like an idiot. In order to guide the way to orgasm, your craving for orgasm gets fueled up. The idea that orgasm is gonna feel fucking good gets insistently transmitted to your brain. But you can't ejaculate. I won't let you. Absolutely not. ...nfufu❤ And even though you know you can't cum, you meekly keep on fapping. You and your stupid dick, are incredibly... lovable blockheads ❤ Alright, stop fapping for a bit. Can you listen for today's explanations now? I've thought this up for your sake you perv, so listen good. Today, we're going one full day orgasm control. Until you have my permission, you absolutely can't let out your sperm. If one single white sperm drop gets out... then that's the end. You have to stop listening to this voice play. So if you want to keep hearing to the end, you must carefully and politely obey my instructions. My instructions are absolute. Got that? If you understand, say "yes". Quietly is okay too. You will absolutely obey my orders. Understood? ...eheheh❤ Good. Then continue fapping. Fap again with your most pleasurable method. That's an order. Once you cum, stop moving, and hold your semen in for your dear life. Always keep fapping and edging, okay? Now, let me continue. It's still early in the morning. Those people unlike you, you know, with their clean and healthy life-styles, would first brush their teeth, wash their face and comb their hair, and then eat a proper breakfast to get enough nutrition to work in the morning. Today, you're also going to get dressed like that. You'll neatly shape yourself up, except for your precum smeared dick, going mad from lust. Such a mismatched state is quite appropriate for you. Let's go get dressed to become a real super-maso ❤ You do keep edging yourself, right? Good, now keep listening. After this, you'll brush your teeth and wash your face. This nets you one clear. I'll let you take your time in the bathroom. However... you're not going to pee, but to leak your maso juice❤ When you're in the lavatory, you're going to fap in front of the door until one second before orgasm. And then you'll stand in front of the toilet, and masturbate until you leak precum into the bowl. When it's dirty and smelly of your obstinate perverted juice, close and flush it. But, no semen cumming. It's fapping until the last millisecond... edging❤ When you properly do it until the last moment, you'll leak your maso precum just well. You can stop when you've flushed down at least one drop of maso-juice. After that, touching your dick is forbidden. Usually, a toilet is where you refresh yourself. But a maso like you is suited to suffer there❤ Next, you go to the bathroom again. Comb your hair and shave your beard. This nets you one clear. then go to the toilet and just like before carefull spill out your precum. I'm sure, the second time will be faster ❤ If you drive yourself crazy with orgasmic craving in the morning, and spill your clear precum in the toilet, then you are properly dressed so you can to produce lots of thick and which white semen until the bitter end ❤ Pause this voice play now and come back after after you're done. When you're done with your super-maso dress up, continue listening. Once you're back, I'll tell you what to have for breakfast. Don't be long. Good work ❤ So you're properly dressed up? Teeth brushed, face washed, hair combed, beard trimmed? Maso juice in the toilet?? Is that soo, well isn't that great? Your dick is going desperate again. Nfufufu ❤ But we have a long way to go, to turn you into a serious super-maso without salvation ❤ Okay, next up is breakfast. Breakfast is very important for a super-maso. When you go crazy, the orgasmic craving is gonna emit the sperm inside your balls. So, if you eat enough to produce more sperm, your balls will overflow with semen, making your orgasm control a lot more painful❤ So, make sure to eat and suffer properly. If you cook for yourself, you can do whatever you want, if that's impossible, just go to the convenient store and buy something to eat. When you go outside, you must properly dress yourself. because going out in your odd aroused state would bother everyone in the world out there. Because unlike you, the people out there are spending an honest and decent day. You can only wear underpants if you go outside. There is no need to let anyone see your sickening bulge. When you've properly cleared your breakfast, come back here. Then I'll allow you to get naked and edge for one round❤ Getting to masturbate as a reward is even more maso-like. You can fap while completely deprived of any clothes♡ When you're finished, put your clothes back on. But not your underpants. Like I said yesterday, a lower temperature makes your balls produce a lot more sperm. So, underwear is forbidden, unless you go outside for a bit. Ah, I forgot. Until the next track, you're free to do what you want. So go search the web for your favorite lewd stuff. But be careful. You can just look at it. Fapping obviously forbidden, and so is touching your dick. Don't forget that. You are in my control. Without permission of the manager, you can't do what you want. It's just for now, but your dick is a part of me, reluctantly. It's terrible to touch a girl's genitals without permission, right? And looking is forbidden too... don't you lay... A single finger on it. Great, off to a super-maso morning start And have a delicious breakfast ❤ Seeya later ❤

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