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7時になったよ。 朝ごはんはちゃんと食べられたかしら? その栄養を無駄にしないよう、射精管理に励まないとね。 これからしてもらうのは朝シャワーだよ。 やってる人はいつもやってると思うけど あんたはどうかな? 朝シャワーはね、朝から熱めのシャワーを全身に浴びることで 身体が刺激を受けて、覚醒と一日のやる気を引き出すことができるんだよ。 あたしは毎朝やってるけど、結構おすすめかな? でもね・・今からあんたがシャワーを浴びるのは玉だけ。 それも熱いお湯じゃなくて、つめた~い冷水を浴びてきてもらうよ。 自分で自分の玉をいじめてこようね❤ やることは単純だよ。 シャワーから冷水を出して玉にあてる。 次に温水をあてたら、また冷水を玉にあてる。 こんだけ。 なにやらされてるのかわかんない? これはね、ただ玉を水責めしてるだけじゃなくて 「金冷法」っていう精力増強術なんだよ。 昔から男の人達がやってきた方法で、玉の温度を何度も下げて、機能を活発にして、精子をたくさん作るの。 そんなこと射精管理中のあんたにやったら・・・どうなるかな? すぐに効果はなくても後でじわじわ効いてくるよ❤ じゃあ詳しい説明をしてあげるね❤ まず浴室に入ったらすぐ、扉の前で寸止めオナニーするんだよ。 もうイクーってなったらストップしてシャワーの前に移動。 冷水を玉に20秒あてようね。冷たくても我慢だよ。 あてている間は玉をよく揉んであげようね。 「たくさん精子作って僕を苦しめてねー」って、愛情こめて揉むんだよ? 次に温水を玉揉みながら一分あててあげようね。 心地良さと一緒に射精欲が膨れ上がるよ❤ 一分経ったら、もう一度冷水を20秒、玉を揉みながらあててシャワーは終わり。 浴室を出る前にもう一度扉前で寸止めオナニーしようね。 玉がいっぱい精子作れるように刺激を送っておいてあげないと❤ これで朝シャワーはおしまいだよ。 さっそくとりかかってね。 たくさん精子作っておいで❤ ついでに頭や身体を洗ってリフレッシュしてきてもいいけど 浴室を出る時の寸止めオナニーは忘れないでよ。 今日のあんたにおちんぽのリフレッシュだけは許されてないんだから 常に射精欲におぼれておきなさいね。 じゃあ・・・いってらっしゃい❤

Morning testicle shower (7 AM)

So now it's 7 o'clock. Did you eat up all your breakfast? You've got to make the most of your nutrition, or else you can't tackle orgasm control. Next, I'll let you have a morning shower. I guess most people do it like usual But how about you? A morning shower means to bathe yourself in hot water, to stimulate and wake up your body for a motivative day. I do it myself every morning, so I can highly recommend it, I guess. However... you are now just going to shower your balls. And not with hot water either. I'll let you shower them iiiice cold. As if you'd be bullying your own balls ❤ It's very easy to do. Expose your balls to cold water from the shower head. Next, you use warm water, and then cold water again. That's all. You don't know what I'm making you do here? This isn't just plain water-torture to your balls, but a vitalization method called "gold washing". In the old days, this was a method used by men, to lower their testicle temperature many fold, to actively keep them functioning, and to produce lots of sperm. So, if you use this method right during orgasm control... what do you think is gonna happen? Even if there's no immediate effect, it will come, bit by bit ❤ So, let me explain in a bit more detail ❤ First thing you do when entering the bathroom is to edge yourself in front of the door. Then when you feel like "cumming!", you stop and head straight to the shower. There, you shower your balls with cold water for 20 seconds. It might be cold, but deal with it. As you shower them, give them a nice massage. A lovely, tender massage, as if to say "I've got to suffer, to make lots of sperm~" Next, you'll shower and massage your balls with warm water, for one minute. This should feel pleasant, and raise your desire to orgasm. ❤ After one minute, you'll shower and massage them one more time with cold water for 20 seconds. After than, the shower is finished. Before you step out of the bathroom, you're going to edge yourself one more time in front of the door. If you don't give some stimulus, the balls can't produce enough sperm ❤ Then, the morning shower is over. Now begin at once. Be sure to make lots of sperm ❤ While you're at it, it's okay to wash and refresh your head and body, as long as you don't forget to edge fap before you leave the bathroom. It's just because I won't let your dick feel refreshed today, so make sure to always keep it craving. Well then... have a nice shower ❤

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