Works with reading aloud

RJ Code Title English Title Circle CV Tags SFW


恋するひとつ軒の下「幽霊お姉さん咲樂子編」 N/A 音ノ葉クリエイト Numata Tomomi, 沼田有未 binaural audio, ear cleaning, ghost, healing, lovers, lovey-dovey, reading aloud, sleep aid, youkai Yes


万綺譚 朱里 Yorozukitan: Shuri 風花雪月 / Beautiful Nature Ayakura Seika, 彩倉星華 healing, moe, reading aloud No


~眠れない夜に~ おやすみなさい -On Sleepless Nights- Oyasumi Nasai りんご晴れ / apple sunny Sawano Poplar, 沢野ぽぷら breathing, healing, heartwarming, reading aloud, romance, sleeping sounds Yes


ささやき☆ご奉仕~個室居酒屋でデート~ whisper service Ak Voice Akatsuki Kotone, 紅月ことね binaural audio, dirty talk, drunk, fellatio, first experience, handjob, healing, junior and senior students, kissing, kouhai, lovey-dovey, moe, panties, reading aloud, romance, verbal abuse, whispering No


耳掻きマッサージ専門店・大和撫子~眠れない貴方に捧ぐ、癒しのひととき~ Ear Cleaning Massage Shop 2 JON Akiba Yoiko, 秋葉よいこ ear cleaning, lullaby, massage, reading aloud Yes
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